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Vecka 45 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 3 nov 10:00-12:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: B1

Malin Picha Edwardsson, "Course Introduction" 

Researcher at the Department of Media Technology and Interaction Design, KTH.

The introduction will give an overview of the course, such as a presentation of upcoming assignments and guest lectures. The pecha kucha-exercise on Thursday will be introduced, and Malin Picha Edwardsson will also introduce the area of social media technologies on a general level.

Tors 5 nov 13:00-15:00 Seminar
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: D32, D33

Pecha kucha-seminar when the students introduce themselves in smaller groups.

Vecka 46 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tors 12 nov 13:00-15:00 Seminar
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: Q13, Q24

At this seminar we will discuss our time line diaries and literature connected to the critical perspective of social media.

Tors 12 nov 15:00-17:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: D3

Joel Brynielsson, "Real-Time Sentiment Analysis of Social Media: From Theory to Applications"

Researcher at KTH and FOI

Joel Brynielsson works with analysis of social issues (eg, analysis of medical reports) with the help of machine learning and computational linguistics at KTH. He is also employed at FOI where he focus on cyber security, serious gaming, and flight simulators.

Vecka 47 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 17 nov 08:00-10:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

Airi Lampinen "The digital commons and the sharing economy - in connection to social media Technologies"

Post doc researcher at Stockholm University/Mobile Life.

Airi Lampinen is a specialist in the sharing economy. She will talk about what implications the sharing economy and the digital commons have in relation to the development of social media technologies.

At this lecture, the Wikipedia exercise will also be introduced

Tors 19 nov 13:00-15:00 Seminar
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E34, L43

We will discuss the exercise of collecting twitter data.

Tors 19 nov 15:00-17:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

Lennart Guldbrandsen "Wikimedia, Wikipedia".

Long-time Wikipedian, now hired by Swedish National Heritage Board as a ‘Wikipedian in Residence’.

Half a billion people use Wikipedia every month. But most people have a distorted view of what Wikipedia is and how it functions – and most of you have only scratched the surface of what Wikipedia has to offer.

Vecka 48 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 24 nov 08:00-10:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

Jack Werner "Frauds and untruths in social media"

Editor at Dagens Industri.

Jack Werner works as a social media editor for the Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri, and he is one of the initiators behind the fact-checking column Viralgranskaren (The Viral Reviewer) at Metro newspaper. In 2013, he was awarded the Guldspaden honorary mention for the story about the fake Internet personality Veronika Larsson. In the fall of 2014, he published a book (only available in swedish) about Creepypasta, anonymous ghost stories that circulate online.

Tors 26 nov 13:00-15:00 Seminar
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E34, M36

We will discuss the results of the Wikipedia exercise, and discuss literature connected to the subject.

Tors 26 nov 15:00-17:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

Jonas Andersson Schwarz, "What mechanisms work in the spreading of information in social media?"

Post doc researcher at Forsman & Bodenfors and Södertörns högskola.

Vecka 49 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 1 dec 08:00-10:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

Erik Johannesson, "The communicator's best strategies when using social media"

Lecturer at Media technology and interaction design, KTH.

How can companies work with social media, and how can this be connected to the literature by Jenkins?

The exercise on social media strategies will also be introduced.

Tors 3 dec 13:00-15:00 Seminar
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: D41

We will discuss the exercise concerning social media strategies for companies.

Tors 3 dec 15:00-17:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: D3

Josefine Lind Andersson, "Social media vs traditional media". Editor at Bonnier Magazines.

How does Bonnier Magazines work with social media on a daily basis? And what is the development of change like, taking place within traditional media?

Vecka 50 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 8 dec 08:00-10:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

Malin Picha Edwardsson, "The historical development of Swedish media, and trends and future developments"

A look back into the history of Swedish media will be presented, as well as current development and future trends.

The exercise of designing a future service will be introduced as well as the seminar questions for Thursday.

Tis 8 dec 10:00-12:00 Seminarium
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E51
Tors 10 dec 13:00-15:00 Seminar
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: D33, E34

Literature seminar based on the books by Wellman and Rainie and by Jenkins.

Tors 10 dec 15:00-17:00 Lecture
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

The comprehensive exercise of designing a future service will be introduced, and there will be time to form groups and starting working on the task.

Vecka 51 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 15 dec 08:00-10:00 Seminar
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E2

This seminar is dedicated to the group work of designing a future service.

Ons 16 dec 09:00-12:00 Final presentations
HT 2015 socmed15
Plats: E3

At this seminar, the project groups will present the results of their work on designing a future service.