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December 2013
Hi! I went to the CSC student expedition to collect my graded home thesis. They didn't have it, and I heard a rumour that we're not going to recieve any comments at all on our home theses - is this true?
Axel Hammarbäck
skrev inlägget
5 december 2013
Augusti 2012
Yes, it is true.
It is absolutely reasonable for you to ask for feedback on the home exam but I can unfortunately not give it to you.
It took much longer to read and grade the exams and how I have unfortunately run out of time. That's true in a literal (not metaphorical sense) as I will travel to US this weekend and will not come back until next summer.
You can go the previouosly annonunced webpage (I don't want to post the link here) and see your points in all the other course activities - with the exception of the home exam.
Sorry about that but there is unfortunately nothing more I can do right now. I still have a dozen different things that urgently needs to be done right now as tomorrow is my very last day at KTH for quite some time.