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Lecture: course info, XML and DTD

Tid: Tisdag 5 november 2013 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2013-11-05T10:00:00 2013-11-05T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
HT 2013 xmlpub13

Plats: K2 (K2 ,Teknikringen 28 )

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Lärare: Björn Hedin ()



The lecture starts 10.15

Introduction to the course and general course information during the first hour. The second hour is devoted to introducing XML in general, and how to write DTDs, which is required to complete the first lab assignment.

Prepare by reading this summary of the lecture

XML is a recommendation for how different types of data can be structured in tree structures, which are easy to understand and clear to both humans and computers. Examples of areas where XML is used is xhtml for coding web pages, SMIL (the language to encode MMS), DocBook (a highly structured document description languages) and JDF (a language to transmit information between different computer systems as part of a printing process). One can roughly divide the uses of document formats like HTML and SMIL, and data format JDF.

There are a number of major benefits of using an XML-based format over other types of formats, such as:

  • Data saved in XML-based formats are easily portable between different environments, and are easy to convert if new data formats emerge in the future.
  • "X" in XML stands for "extensible", which in this context means that it is easy to extend existing markup languages ​​to fit into any specific needs.
  • There are many high quality tools that handle XML, eg editors and parsers. Several of the best are free.
  • XML is very familiar to most programmers, reducing startup time.
  • XML documents are easy to read, both by humans and machines.
  • Many powerful "language" has been developed that utilize and require XML, eg XSLT, CSS, XQuery mm.
  • Plain text is used, so the format is platform independent.

Data is described by means of a hierarchy of "elements". At the top is a "top element" such as the element "html" in the XHTML document. An element may contain zero, one or more other elements. Element is encoded in the form <element-name> element content </ element-name>.

So called "attributes" can be associated to elements. For example, the attribute "href" is associated with the element 'a' in the following way in html:

<a href="http://www.kth.se> Link to KTH </ a>

A set of elements, attributes, and the way it is permitted to combine these is called an "XML vocabulary." Such a set of rules and restrictions ("constraints") can be defined by a DTD. If an instance document (ie an XML document containing data) is associated with a DTD, it is possible to "validate" the document against the DTD, which means that you can see if/that the instance document follows the rules that are set in the DTD. It thus provides an opportunity for a program to check that the document contains no errors.

Besides the ability to validate the instance document, a DTD is an easy way to concisely define how the creator of the vocabulary meant it to be used. The risk of misunderstandings are reduced. Unfortunately, it is sometimes not possible to define every constraint the vocabulary should have using a DTD. Some limitations have to be written as comments, and these restrictions can naturally not be validated by a validator. XML Schemas, which are processed at the next opportunity, is a powerful way to express the "constraints" vocabulary creator wants expressed, and fills the same role as a DTD.

A DTD describes a "content model" for elements, ie which elements of the hierarchy can be, or should be, "children" to another element. To express that an element "book" can contain exactly one element "title", one of several "authors" zero to one "initial" and zero to several "chapters" can be done by the line

<!ELEMENT book (title, author +, introduction?, chapter*)>

To further express that a writer has several names, zero to several middle name, and exactly one surname can be done by the line

<!ELEMENT author (first-name+, middle-name*, name)>

Expressing that the element "book" may have an attribute named "isbn" can be expressed by



For a pre-recorded slidecast (slides + audio) of the second part, see http://www.slideshare.net/bjornh/xml-och-dtd 

Literature: XML in a nutshell 

(3) = Essential for the course
(2) = Important for the course
(1) = Relevant to the course

  • (2) Chapter 1, "Introducing XML" provides an overview and helps the reader understand the advantages of XML. 
  • (3) Chapter 2, "XML fundamentals" provides an introduction to how to structure your own data and create your own markup language in XML. It also provides explanations of key concepts such as attributes, processing instructions, well-formed and more.
  • (3) Chapter 3, "Document Type Definitions" explains the concept of validation and review how to define a markup language using a DTD. To complete lab 1, you need to be able to understand this chapter well.
  • (1) Chapter 21, "XML Reference". Reference Chapter. NOTE! The examples on pages 369 and 370 is good to concretize the basic concepts and can be recommended to everyone.
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 15 mars 2013
Lärare Björn Hedin redigerade 16 maj 2013

FöreläsningLecture: course info, XML and DTD

Introduction to the course and general course information during the first hour. The second hour is devoted to introducing XML in general, and how to write DTDs, which is required to complete the first lab assignment.¶

For a pre-recorded slidecast (slides + audio) of the second part, see http://www.slideshare.net/bjornh/xml-och-dtd ¶

Lärare Björn Hedin redigerade 16 maj 2013

Starts: 10.15 Description Introduction to the course and general course information during the first hour. The second hour is devoted to introducing XML in general, and how to write DTDs, which is required to complete the first lab assignment.

Links For a pre-recorded slidecast (slides + audio) of the second part, see http://www.slideshare.net/bjornh/xml-och-dtd 

Literature: XML in a nutshell  (3) = Essential for the course(2) = Important for the course(1) = Relevant to the course¶

* (2) Kapitel 1, "Introducing XML" ger en översikt och är bra för att hjälpa läsaren förstå fördelarna med XML.
* (3) Kapitel 2, "XML fundamentals" ger en introduktion till hur man kan strukturera eget data och skapa egna märkspråk i XML. Det ger också förklaringar över centrala begrepp såsom attribut, processinstruktioner, well-formed mm.
* (3) Kapitel 3, "Document Type Definitions" förklarar valideringsbegreppet och går igenom hur man kan definiera ett märkspråk med hjälp av en DTD. För att klara laboration 1 måste du kunna detta kapitel bra.
* (1) Kapitel 21, "XML Reference". Referenskapitel. OBS! Exemplen på sid 369 och 370 är bra för att konkretisera grundläggande begrepp och kan rekommenderas till alla.

Lärare Björn Hedin redigerade 16 maj 2013

Starts: 10.15 Description Introduction to the course and general course information during the first hour. The second hour is devoted to introducing XML in general, and how to write DTDs, which is required to complete the first lab assignment. Links For a pre-recorded slidecast (slides + audio) of the second part, see http://www.slideshare.net/bjornh/xml-och-dtd 

Literature: XML in a nutshell  (3) = Essential for the course(2) = Important for the course(1) = Relevant to the course

* (2) Kapitel 1, "Introducing XML" ger en översikt och är bra för att hjälpa läsaren förstå fördelarna med XML.
* (3) Kapitel 2, "XML fundamentals" ger en introduktion till hur man kan strukturera eget data och skapa egna märkspråk i XML. Det ger också förklaringar över centrala begrepp såsom attribut, processinstruktioner, well-formed mm.
* (3) Kapitel 3, "Document Type Definitions" förklarar valideringsbegreppet och går igenom hur man kan definiera ett märkspråk med hjälp av en DTD. För att klara laboration 1 måste du kunna detta kapitel bra.
* (1) Kapitel 21, "XML Reference". Referenskapitel. OBS! Exemplen på sid 369 och 370 är bra för att konkretisera grundläggande begrepp och kan rekommenderas till alla.

Lärare Björn Hedin redigerade 16 maj 2013

SThe lecture starts 10.15

Introduction to the course and general course information during the first hour. The second hour is devoted to introducing XML in general, and how to write DTDs, which is required to complete the first lab assignment.

Links For a pre-recorded slidecast (slides + audio) of the second part, see http://www.slideshare.net/bjornh/xml-och-dtd 

Literature: XML in a nutshell  (3) = Essential for the course(2) = Important for the course(1) = Relevant to the course

* (2) Kapitel 1, "Introducing XML" ger en översikt och är bra för att hjälpa läsaren förstå fördelarna med XML.
* (3) Kapitel 2, "XML fundamentals" ger en introduktion till hur man kan strukturera eget data och skapa egna märkspråk i XML. Det ger också förklaringar över centrala begrepp såsom attribut, processinstruktioner, well-formed mm.
* (3) Kapitel 3, "Document Type Definitions" förklarar valideringsbegreppet och går igenom hur man kan definiera ett märkspråk med hjälp av en DTD. För att klara laboration 1 måste du kunna detta kapitel bra.
* (1) Kapitel 21, "XML Reference". Referenskapitel. OBS! Exemplen på sid 369 och 370 är bra för att konkretisera grundläggande begrepp och kan rekommenderas till alla.

Lärare Björn Hedin redigerade 14 augusti 2013

The lecture starts 10.15

Introduction to the course and general course information during the first hour. The second hour is devoted to introducing XML in general, and how to write DTDs, which is required to complete the first lab assignment.

Prepare by reading this summary of the lecture XML is a recommendation for how different types of data can be structured in tree structures, which are easy to understand and clear to both humans and computers. Examples of areas where XML is used is xhtml for coding web pages, SMIL (the language to encode MMS), DocBook (a highly structured document description languages) and JDF (a language to transmit information between different computer systems as part of a printing process). One can roughly divide the uses of document formats like HTML and SMIL, and data format JDF.¶

There are a number of major benefits of using an XML-based format over other types of formats, such as:¶

* Data saved in XML-based formats are easily portable between different environments, and are easy to convert if new data formats emerge in the future.
* "X" in XML stands for "extensible", which in this context means that it is easy to extend existing markup languages ​​to fit into any specific needs.
* There are many high quality tools that handle XML, eg editors and parsers. Several of the best are free.
* XML is very familiar to most programmers, reducing startup time.
* XML documents are easy to read, both by humans and machines.
* Many powerful "language" has been developed that utilize and require XML, eg XSLT, CSS, XQuery mm.
* Plain text is used, so the format is platform independent.
Data is described by means of a hierarchy of "elements". At the top is a "top element" such as the element "html" in the XHTML document. An element may contain zero, one or more other elements. Element is encoded in the form <element-name> element content </ element-name>.¶

So called "attributes" can be associated to elements. For example, the attribute "href" is associated with the element 'a' in the following way in html:¶

<a href="http://www.kth.se> Link to KTH </ a> A set of elements, attributes, and the way it is permitted to combine these is called an "XML vocabulary." Such a set of rules and restrictions ("constraints") can be defined by a DTD. If an instance document (ie an XML document containing data) is associated with a DTD, it is possible to "validate" the document against the DTD, which means that you can see if/that the instance document follows the rules that are set in the DTD. It thus provides an opportunity for a program to check that the document contains no errors.¶

Besides the ability to validate the instance document, a DTD is an easy way to concisely define how the creator of the vocabulary meant it to be used. The risk of misunderstandings are reduced. Unfortunately, it is sometimes not possible to define every constraint the vocabulary should have using a DTD. Some limitations have to be written as comments, and these restrictions can naturally not be validated by a validator. XML Schemas, which are processed at the next opportunity, is a powerful way to express the "constraints" vocabulary creator wants expressed, and fills the same role as a DTD.¶

A DTD describes a "content model" for elements, ie which elements of the hierarchy can be, or should be, "children" to another element. To express that an element "book" can contain exactly one element "title", one of several "authors" zero to one "initial" and zero to several "chapters" can be done by the line¶

<!ELEMENT book (title, author +, introduction?, chapter*)> To further express that a writer has several names, zero to several middle name, and exactly one surname can be done by the line¶

<!ELEMENT author (first-name+, middle-name*, name)> Expressing that the element "book" may have an attribute named "isbn" can be expressed by¶

Links For a pre-recorded slidecast (slides + audio) of the second part, see http://www.slideshare.net/bjornh/xml-och-dtd 

Literature: XML in a nutshell  (3) = Essential for the course(2) = Important for the course(1) = Relevant to the course

* (2) Kapitel 1, "Introducing XML" ger en översikt och är bra för att hjälpa läsaren förstå fördelarna med XML.
* (3) Kapitel 2, "XML fundamentals" ger en introduktion till hur man kan strukturera eget data och skapa egna märkspråk i XML. Det ger också förklaringar över centrala begrepp såsom attribut, processinstruktioner, well-formed mm.
* (3) Kapitel 3, "Document Type Definitions" förklarar valideringsbegreppet och går igenom hur man kan definiera ett märkspråk med hjälp av en DTD. För att klara laboration 1 måste du kunna detta kapitel bra.
* (1) Kapitel 21, "XML Reference". Referenskapitel. OBS! Exemplen på sid 369 och 370 är bra för att konkretisera grundläggande begrepp och kan rekommenderas till alla.

Lärare Björn Hedin redigerade 14 augusti 2013

The lecture starts 10.15

Introduction to the course and general course information during the first hour. The second hour is devoted to introducing XML in general, and how to write DTDs, which is required to complete the first lab assignment.

Prepare by reading this summary of the lecture XML is a recommendation for how different types of data can be structured in tree structures, which are easy to understand and clear to both humans and computers. Examples of areas where XML is used is xhtml for coding web pages, SMIL (the language to encode MMS), DocBook (a highly structured document description languages) and JDF (a language to transmit information between different computer systems as part of a printing process). One can roughly divide the uses of document formats like HTML and SMIL, and data format JDF.

There are a number of major benefits of using an XML-based format over other types of formats, such as:

* Data saved in XML-based formats are easily portable between different environments, and are easy to convert if new data formats emerge in the future.
* "X" in XML stands for "extensible", which in this context means that it is easy to extend existing markup languages ​​to fit into any specific needs.
* There are many high quality tools that handle XML, eg editors and parsers. Several of the best are free.
* XML is very familiar to most programmers, reducing startup time.
* XML documents are easy to read, both by humans and machines.
* Many powerful "language" has been developed that utilize and require XML, eg XSLT, CSS, XQuery mm.
* Plain text is used, so the format is platform independent.
Data is described by means of a hierarchy of "elements". At the top is a "top element" such as the element "html" in the XHTML document. An element may contain zero, one or more other elements. Element is encoded in the form <element-name> element content </ element-name>.

So called "attributes" can be associated to elements. For example, the attribute "href" is associated with the element 'a' in the following way in html:

<a href="http://www.kth.se> Link to KTH </ a> A set of elements, attributes, and the way it is permitted to combine these is called an "XML vocabulary." Such a set of rules and restrictions ("constraints") can be defined by a DTD. If an instance document (ie an XML document containing data) is associated with a DTD, it is possible to "validate" the document against the DTD, which means that you can see if/that the instance document follows the rules that are set in the DTD. It thus provides an opportunity for a program to check that the document contains no errors.

Besides the ability to validate the instance document, a DTD is an easy way to concisely define how the creator of the vocabulary meant it to be used. The risk of misunderstandings are reduced. Unfortunately, it is sometimes not possible to define every constraint the vocabulary should have using a DTD. Some limitations have to be written as comments, and these restrictions can naturally not be validated by a validator. XML Schemas, which are processed at the next opportunity, is a powerful way to express the "constraints" vocabulary creator wants expressed, and fills the same role as a DTD.

A DTD describes a "content model" for elements, ie which elements of the hierarchy can be, or should be, "children" to another element. To express that an element "book" can contain exactly one element "title", one of several "authors" zero to one "initial" and zero to several "chapters" can be done by the line

<!ELEMENT book (title, author +, introduction?, chapter*)> To further express that a writer has several names, zero to several middle name, and exactly one surname can be done by the line

<!ELEMENT author (first-name+, middle-name*, name)> Expressing that the element "book" may have an attribute named "isbn" can be expressed by

<!ATTLIST book isbn CDATA #IMPLIED> Links For a pre-recorded slidecast (slides + audio) of the second part, see http://www.slideshare.net/bjornh/xml-och-dtd 

Literature: XML in a nutshell  (3) = Essential for the course(2) = Important for the course(1) = Relevant to the course

* (2) KChapitelr 1, "Introducing XML" ger en översikt och är bra för att hjälpa läsaren förstå fördelarna medprovides an overview and helps the reader understand the advantages of XML. 
* (3) KChapitelr 2, "XML fundamentals" ger eprovides an introdukction till hur man kano how to strukcturera eget data och skapa egna your own data and create your own mäarkspråkup language in XML. Det ger också förklaringar över centrala begrepp såsomIt also provides explanations of key concepts such as attributes, processing instrukctioners, well-formed mmand more.
* (3) KChapitelr 3, "Document Type Definitions" förklarar valideringsbegreppet och går igenom hur maexplains the concept of validation kan definiera ettd review how to define a mäarkspråk med hjälp av en DTD. För att klara laboration 1 måste du kunna detta kup language using a DTD. To complete lab 1, you need to be able to understand this chapitel brar well.
* (1) KChapitelr 21, "XML Reference". Referenskce Chapitel. OBS! Exemplen på sidr. NOTE! The examples on pages 369 ochand 370 är bra för att kis good to conkcretisera grundläggande begrepp och kanze the basic concepts and can be rekcommenderas till allad to everyone.

Schemahandläggare redigerade 31 augusti 2013


Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013


Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013

Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2013-12-14 01:01

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