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Vecka 4 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 21 jan 13:00-17:00 Lecture: Course introduction and kick-off
VT 2014 distans14
Plats: V2

Before the course introduction:
• Follow the instructions in the welcome email (also presented in the News Feed)
• Read through the course layout thoroughly
• Look at the schedule (note February 13 which is not in the correct schedule module)

Since this is a project based course where you will work in groups, the groups will also need to schedule working times which are not in the formal schedule.

Ons 22 jan 08:00-12:00 Coffe Lab session 1
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: egen sal

Location: Presence Lab R1, Drottning Kristinas väg 51.

Detailed Schedule:

Group 1-2: 9-10
Group 3-4: 10-11
Group 5-6: 11-12

Fre 24 jan 08:00-12:00 Lab session
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: egen sal

- Remote Control Lab, RC Lab (Alex Jonsson, Mikael Kindborg), Venue: DKV51, R1 street office
- Visualization, Interaction & Collaboration VIC-lab  (Björn Thuresson), 4th floor D-building Lindstedtsvägen 5
- Soundscape Lab SLab (Ricardo Atienza, Robin Mc GInley) Venue: Konstfack Soundlab, Meet in entrance hall (T Telefonplan)
9.30-11.30       Group 1-2:  RC Lab, Group 3-4: VIC Lab, Group 5-6: SLab
12.30-14.30     Group 1-2:  VIC Lab, Group 3-4: SLab, Group 5-6: RC Lab
15.00-17.00     Group 1-2:  SLab, Group 3-4: RC Lab, Group 5-6: VIC Lab

3 kommentarer
Fre 24 jan 13:00-17:00 Lab session, continued
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal R1

Se above

Vecka 5 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 28 jan 13:00-17:00 Group work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: egen sal
Ons 29 jan 08:00-12:00 Seminar on "Presence Factors"
VT 2014 distans14
Plats: B1

Time 9-11.

Fre 31 jan 08:00-12:00 Coffe Lab session 2
VT 2014 distans14
Plats: L1

Coffee Lab in R1, Part 2: Design a mediated coffee session

10:30 Group 1
11:00 Group 2
11:30 Group 3

14:00 Group 4
14:30 Group 5
15:30 Group 6

All groups are welcome to join presentations by other groups.

Fre 31 jan 13:00-17:00 Coffe Lab session 2, continued
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1

See above

Vecka 6 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 4 feb 13:00-17:00 "Mediated crit" work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: egen sal

Presence factors with Aase Knudsen from Høgskolan i Lillehammer, Norway.

Rest of the day the Presence Lab available for rehersals/tests with UIUC.

Groups book times!

Ons 5 feb 08:00-12:00 Lab session
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: egen sal

KTH Medieproduktion Studio, meet in KTHB entrance
- Story-telling with Camera–lab (Joakim Nordengel)

8:15-9:15, group 6
9:30-10:30, group 5
10:45-11:45, group 4
13:15-14:15, group 3

Fre 7 feb 08:00-12:00 "Mediated crit" work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: egen sal

Presence Lab available for tests

Fre 7 feb 13:00-17:00 Lab session or "Mediated crit" work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1

• KTH Medieproduktion Studio, meet in KTHB entrance
- Story-telling with Camera–lab (Joakim Nordengel)

Times and groups to be decided.


• Presence Lab available for rehersals/tests/communication with UIUC for the "Future of Learning" groups.

Groups book times!

Vecka 7 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 11 feb 13:00-17:00 "Mediated crit" work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: egen sal

Presence Lab available for tests

Tors 13 feb 13:00-17:00 "Mediated crit" presentations
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Sal R1

Separate schedule to be presented.

Fre 14 feb 08:00-12:00 "Mediated crit" follow up
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1
Fre 14 feb 13:00-17:00 "Mediated crit" follow up
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1
Vecka 8 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 18 feb 13:00-17:00 Workshop
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: sal, Sydöstra galleriet enl ök med KTHB

Creative programming Lab (Pablo)
Bring your computer!

We will be in Sydöstra Galleriet (Southeast Gallery) in the KTH Library building. Enter the book hall and take the stairs to the left and you will find it. We start at 13.15.


Ons 19 feb 08:00-12:00 Workshop
VT 2014 distans14
Plats: Q33

WebRTC workshop
Nicklas och Jimmy Nyström

Bring your computer.

Instructions before the workshop:

If you don't have it already, download and install Google Chrome:


Download and install Node.js:


Open a command-line terminal (Terminal on Mac OS X or cmd.exe on Windows) and run the following commands:

npm install -g node-static

npm install -g socket.io

Workshop material zip

Fre 21 feb 08:00-11:00 Lecture
VT 2014 distans14
Plats: B2

- Harold Nefs, lecture on Stereopsis and picture perception.

Link to presentation material: http://www.nde-lab.nl/KTH/index.html

Vecka 9 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 25 feb 13:00-17:00 Project "pin-up" session
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Sal R1

Each group has some 15 minutes to present their idea and discuss it with teachers and other students.

Detailed schedule:

10.00 "Mediating Justice"
1 group

13.15 "Sensorial Ambient Collaboration Space"
2 groups

14.00 "Connected Architectural firms"
2 groups

14.45 "Future of Learning!
4 groups

It is mandatory to be present when your theme is beeing discussed. If you are interested you can also take part in more discussions.

Fre 28 feb 08:00-12:00 Project work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1

Presence Lab available.

Fre 28 feb 13:00-17:00 Project work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1

Presence Lab available.

Vecka 10 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 5 mar 08:00-12:00 Project work
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Sal R1

Presence lab available.

Fre 7 mar 08:00-12:00 Final project presentations and crit
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1

Location: The Reactor Hall

Detailed schedule:

9:15 Future of Learning 1-4
followed by
Sensorial Ambient Collaboration Space 1-2

13:15 Connected Architectural Firms 1-2

17:00 Mediated Justice

Mandatory attendance for presentations within your theme, but you are encouraged to attend the presentations and discussions from the other groups!

More instructions in the news feed and under "Assignments".

Fre 7 mar 13:00-17:00 Final project presentations and crit
VT 2014 distans14
Anmärkning: Egen sal, R1

Location: The Reactor Hall

Detailed schedule:

9:15 Future of Learning 1-4
followed by
Sensorial Ambient Collaboration Space 1-2

13:15 Connected Architectural Firms 1-2

17:00 Mediated Justice

Mandatory attendance for presentations within your theme, but you are encouraged to attend the presentations and discussions from the other groups!