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September 2013

Assistent Yang Zhong skapade sidan 13 februari 2013

Yang Zhong taggade med administration och info. 13 februari 2013

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 17 februari 2013

Are there any specific rules for students that have been approved in the timespan after october 2012 and before march 2013?

Assistent kommenterade 17 februari 2013

@Robin: no, but just '5 month rule'applies. 

kommenterade 18 februari 2013

Is there a possibility of getting the reference system "Endnote" for free via KTH? 

kommenterade 18 februari 2013

@Tessa: I don't know about Endnote but I just found out that Ms Onenote 2007 is free for KTH-students through MSDN (Link: how to get into it).

Assistent kommenterade 18 februari 2013

@Fredrik, thanks for the link

kommenterade 19 februari 2013

@Tessa, If you want a reference system I sugest testing out the free Mendeley.

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 23 april 2013

I have a question concerning the formal requirements of the thesis: Is there a document on the matter where it states how we should quote, what font/fontsize we should use etc, or can we decide ourselves how to go about this topic? Thanks, Tessa

Assistent kommenterade 24 april 2013

@ Tessa, I guess you are asking for some template for thesis? I don't think we have it... Other requirements please contact your program coordinator and examiner. Thanks. /Yang

kommenterade 24 april 2013

Hey, I was wondering if there is a formal page limit (e.g. 50 pages maximum). In the similar bachelor's thesis course there was a limit of 30 pages, the importance of which was not properly communicated to the students. So, is there a mandatory page limit?

kommenterade 24 april 2013

There are templates for CSC at http://www.kth.se/en/csc/student/exjobb-csc/exjobbare/rapport-1.18157 including a document with instructions. (There is also a newer and longer version in swedish at http://www.kth.se/csc/student/exjobb-csc/exjobbare/rapport-1.18157).

kommenterade 2 september 2013

For those concerned with report style and reference management software, I'd like to share some info. Throughout my degree project I used Zotero, which is basically an open source alternative to Endnote, Mendeley and other popular ones. It runs as a standalone application, as a Firefox plugin and MS Word plugin. The latter two installed smoothly on the CSC Win7 computers, which really helped since I prefered compiling my report in Word (KTH licenced). What was missing was a decent citation style template for Zotero. I decided to make one of my own, derived from the Word templates linked above by Stefan. I also submitted it to Zotero Style Repository. So, anyone who choose the same alternative won't need to do all this again. Just search for "kth" and grab the CSL-template! It's supposed to work in Mendeley too.

I just created a wiki-page to wrap up this information. 

Assistent Anders Hedman ändrade rättigheterna 8 oktober 2014

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
April 2013
Assistent Yang Zhong skrev inlägget 30 april 2013
Januari 2013
Assistent Yang Zhong skrev inlägget 7 januari 2013
kommenterade 7 januari 2013

Hi Yang, Where can I find information about these thesis presentations so I can prepare questions? How do I get the "exjobbsblankett" where we are supposed to register attendance to the presentation?

Assistent kommenterade 7 januari 2013

Don's title: The Social TV Viewer 

Teresia: The impact of consumer task on visual attention to online
advertising - An eye tracking study

I will check if the exjobbsblankett is needed from now.

kommenterade 7 januari 2013

Can we just come to that presentation then?We need to attend 5 so it is perhaps good to start to spread that over the semester. Is everybody required to preapre qs for both papers? how many?

kommenterade 14 januari 2013

I went to the presentations without having read the reports. Even though they were completed and handed in last year, they weren't yet LISTED. After the presentations, the writers were encouraged to make their revisions (likely prefered before the reports become listed publicly), so it seems clear that we needed special access we didn't have. However, those of us who made it there had our attendence registered on a temporary sheet. 

Assistent kommenterade 14 januari 2013

@Fredrik Good point. But reports won't be listed as your link indicated until their final publishment (reported to Ladok). I thougt intrested students will set their own contact with authors and reports will be circulated by requests. Anyway, it is good to figure out a method to access the draft thesis report so all people interested can read it before presentation.

Assistent Yang Zhong skrev inlägget 6 december 2012
kommenterade 2 januari 2013

Can I access the documents even if i am only 'antagen'? I can't find any documents just yet and would love to start my specifications. Where can I find the example-document by Alex?

Thank you very much in advance. 


kommenterade 3 januari 2013

Same here:)

kommenterade 3 januari 2013

It would be great to get started soon as the start-date for the thesis work is approaching rapidly.

When are the open office hours to go get registered for the course?

Assistent Yang Zhong korrigerade 4 januari 2013

For those who want to start their thesis work

Please login BildaKTH SOCIAL and see my previous post to download the application form where you have the paper need to be managed before you begin to work. Administration rules are also there.


Assistent kommenterade 4 januari 2013

Hi all above, see to my correction to this post. The application form is on KTH Social not in Bilda.

December 2012
Assistent Yang Zhong skrev inlägget 4 december 2012
kommenterade 4 december 2012

Is there any deadline from when we formally apply to the course to when we should finish it? 5 months? Year? No deadline?

Assistent kommenterade 5 december 2012

We will soon make a decision about all types of deadline.

kommenterade 6 december 2012


I have a trouble reaching via e-mail and phone. I have tried to come to your office but I could not find  the room 4629. I am ready with my topic and formalities and would like to be assigned to the examiner. Where can you be found, what days and times?

Also, when can we be expected to get the deadlines? Its really important cause we want to start with our work.