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Schemahandläggare redigerade 2 december 2013
Egen sal, Visualiseringsstudion-VIC
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 5 december 2013
SeminariuGL Tommy Palm, King.com
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 8 december 2013
For the diary:¶
Tommy emphasized that, particularly for mobile games, you have 30 seconds to make the player interested. If not, they'll quit and play something else. Choose a few examples on how game developers have tried to do this. Discuss other possible ways to address the issue.¶
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 25 november 2013
SeminariumGL Per Strömbäck, Dataspelsbranschen
Schemahandläggare redigerade 26 november 2013
Fredag 29 november 2013 kl 134:00 - 156:00
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 30 november 2013
Here's Per's presentation.¶
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 2 december 2013
Here's Per's presentation.
For the diary:¶
* How can the game developer interact with the audience?
* Why does not in-game ads work?
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 4 november 2013
FöreläsningIntroduction to course and project
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 6 november 2013
Thank you everyone for a good first session and your patience through my monologue. Here's the presented material. If there's anything you need to know more of, contact me or Chris Peters – or of course we'll meet in class!¶
Among the many things I presented to you, was the template for the Game Design Document (GDD). Rememember that it's a template, it's something you adapt to your particular project and process. I will get a LaTex-version soon and put that up as well.¶
For the diary (1-2 pages max, lots of references and examples)¶
* What type of player are you?
* Describe a really good game experience. What was good? (the game, the situation, the platform, etc etc etc)
* Describe a really bad game experience. Why didn’t it work?
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 6 november 2013
Thank you everyone for a good first session and your patience through my monologue. Here's the presented material. If there's anything you need to know more of, contact me or Chris Peters – or of course we'll meet in class!
Among the many things I presented to you, was the template for the Game Design Document (GDD). Rememember that it's a template, it's something you adapt to your particular project and process. I will get a LaTex-version soon and put that up as well.
For the diary (1-2 pages max, lots of references and examples)
* What type of player are you?
* Describe a really good game experience. What was good? (the game, the situation, the platform, etc etc etc)
* Describe a really bad game experience. Why didn’t it work?
And, BTW, here's the link to the co-organised PhD course DD3336: Interactive Entertainment Technologies.¶
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 5 december 2013
SeminariumGL from Havok and Swedish Game Awards
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 5 december 2013
SeminariumProject supervision and final presentation logistics
Here's today's presentation with instructions for the final presentation next week.¶
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 2 december 2013
SeminariumGL Jörgen Björklund, Paradox
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 3 december 2013
For the diary:¶
* Present up to three (3) game-related business models and highlight the pros and cons with each. Remember to exemplify and reference!
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 4 december 2013
Here's Jörgen's presentation (in Swedish).¶
For the diary:
* Present up to three (3) game-related business models and highlight the pros and cons with each. Remember to exemplify and reference!
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 26 november 2013
LaborationProject checkpoint
Today we have a rather informal status update of your projects. What are you working on? What have you done? What's left to do? We'll have at least 9 projects presented so keep it rather short, no more than 10 mins/group (incl discussion).¶
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 25 november 2013
SeminariumGame Physics and Animation, GL Joacim Jonsson, Avalanche
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 26 november 2013
For the diary:¶
* Examine ways in which game physics techniques have led to interesting forms of gameplay in a game of your choice (for example, ragdoll physics in Trespasser, momentum redirection in Portal). Describe the implications of greater environment manipulation capabilities on game design efforts, especially in relation to unintended situations or consequences that may arise at runtime e.g. a player becoming trapped or the AI behaving strangely due to routes being blocked with objects, destructible environments, and so on.
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 26 november 2013
Here's Joacim's presentation.¶
For the diary:
* Examine ways in which game physics techniques have led to interesting forms of gameplay in a game of your choice (for example, ragdoll physics in Trespasser, momentum redirection in Portal). Describe the implications of greater environment manipulation capabilities on game design efforts, especially in relation to unintended situations or consequences that may arise at runtime e.g. a player becoming trapped or the AI behaving strangely due to routes being blocked with objects, destructible environments, and so on.
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 22 november 2013
FöreläsningGL Crafting Mobile Games, Alessandro Pieropan
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 24 november 2013
For the diary:¶
On numerous occasions lately we've heard about pros and cons towards building your own engine or use an existing. We'd like you to put together these and discuss them - and it's not enough to say: "It depends on the game!". Of course that is true, but there are other considerations, e.g. time, team size, competence within the team etc etc.¶
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 25 november 2013
Here's Alessandr's presentation.¶
For the diary:
On numerous occasions lately we've heard about pros and cons towards building your own engine or use an existing. We'd like you to put together these and discuss them - and it's not enough to say: "It depends on the game!". Of course that is true, but there are other considerations, e.g. time, team size, competence within the team etc etc.
Lärare Björn Thuresson redigerade 25 november 2013
Here's Alessandro's presentation.
For the diary:
On numerous occasions lately we've heard about pros and cons towards building your own engine or use an existing. We'd like you to put together these and discuss them - and it's not enough to say: "It depends on the game!". Of course that is true, but there are other considerations, e.g. time, team size, competence within the team etc etc.