HT2014 - old course material
Lectures during autumn 2014:
- 6th of October: Kristina Höök on Strong Concepts: Strong Concepts from ToCHI 2012 + Slides on Strong Concepts
- 13th of October: Jakob Tholander on EcoFriends and Do Categories have Politics
- 5h of November: Oskar Juhlin on Fashionable Shape Switching – Explorations in Outfit-Centric Design
- 10th of November: Barry Brown on Searchable Objects
- 17th of November: Jarmo Laaksolahti on My Self and You: Tension in Bodily Sharing of Experience and also The lega: a device for leaving and finding tactile traces and here are the slides
- Final seminar will be on the 1st of December 10 - 12 in Fantum, Lindstedtsvägen 24. Topic: somaesthetics! And here are the slides for the seminar.
Here is the old material from Spring 2014. Each lecture is based on a paper, written by the lecturer. Here you find the paper + .ppt used during the presentation.
- Kristina Höök on Strong Concepts: Strong Concepts from ToCHI 2012 + Slides on Strong Concepts
- Mattias Jacobsson on Artbots: Crafting against robotic fakelore: on the critical practice of artbot artists
- Petra Sundström: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material
- Oskar Juhlin: Fashionable Shape Switching – Explorations in Outfit-Centric Design
- Jarmo Laaksolathi: My Self and You: Tension in Bodily Sharing of Experience and also The lega: a device for leaving and finding tactile traces