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Här visas ändringar i "New ideals" mellan 2016-04-19 14:34 av Yiwen Lu och 2016-04-19 14:43 av Rasmus Elmgren.

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New ideals

Group Home 3

Important Ideals:

* When introducing IoT into the home one often try to enhance already existing solutions. It is important to not mess up the existing solutions when connecting your home to the internet. A minimal criteria of the design is often that the core functionality is left untouched.
Missing Ideals:

* Home applications should be more action-centric. For example, alarm clock should not just alarm, but also encourage other activities such as making breakfast or turning on shower.

* Home applications lack of sharable function. Most home applications are made to be subjective. For example, instead of a smart kitchen controller which can automatically cook according to your personal recipe, you should be able to share recipes with your friends.

Group Cities and Transportation 1 Ideals of our theme When designing for cities it is important that as many people as possible can use and/or understand your product.¶

When designing for transportations we should always consider safety, the driver should be focused on the road. The product should not interfere with the driver’s attention.¶


Missing ideals of our theme Individualization, personifying the product. Customizing the product for the individual.¶

Nothing is fun, we are only trying to maximize effectiveness, or improve current systems.¶