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Individual work

Tid: Fredag 17 maj 2013 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2013-05-17T10:00:00 2013-05-17T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Aktivitet: Övning

Studentgrupper: THCIM1-ID

Detaljer (TimeEdit): egen sal


Deadline individual reflection on the course (+ rest assignments): Wednesday June 5.

Write max 2-3 pages, in Swedish or English, containing the following info:

  • Your name, and whether you are master or bachelor student, and from which program
  • Short description of all the projects you have been involved in during the course
  • Which of your projects that you personally found most interesting, and why
  • What part of the course you found most interesting, and why
  • What parts of the course that you did not like, or did not learn so much from, and suggestions for how this could be improved
  • A short reflection on interaction design as a subject, based on your experiences from this course

Send your reflection as an email to: fernaeus@kth.se 

Final feedback from teacher on passing the course: Friday June 14.

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 21 december 2012
Lärare Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 31 januari 2013


Lärare Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 19 mars 2013

LectureIndividual work

Deadline individual reflection on the course (+ rest assignments): Friday May 25.¶

Write max 2-3 pages, in Swedish or English, containing the following info:¶

* Your name, and whether you are master or bachelor student, and from which program
* Short description of all the projects you have been involved in during the course
* Which of your projects that you personally found most interesting, and why
* What part of the course you found most interesting, and why
* What parts of the course that you did not like, or did not learn so much from, and suggestions for how this could be improved
* A short reflection on interaction design as a subject, based on your experiences from this course
Send your reflection as an email to: fernaeus@kth.se ¶

Final feedback from teacher on passing the course: Friday 31 may.¶

Lärare Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 14 maj 2013

Deadline individual reflection on the course (+ rest assignments): Friday May 2Wednesday June 5.

Write max 2-3 pages, in Swedish or English, containing the following info:

* Your name, and whether you are master or bachelor student, and from which program
* Short description of all the projects you have been involved in during the course
* Which of your projects that you personally found most interesting, and why
* What part of the course you found most interesting, and why
* What parts of the course that you did not like, or did not learn so much from, and suggestions for how this could be improved
* A short reflection on interaction design as a subject, based on your experiences from this course
Send your reflection as an email to: fernaeus@kth.se 

Final feedback from teacher on passing the course: Friday 31 mayJune 14.

Schemahandläggare redigerade 31 augusti 2013


Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013


Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2013-09-14 01:15

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.