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Progress crit (half class)

Tid: Tisdag 14 maj 2013 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2013-05-14T10:00:00 2013-05-14T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan

Aktivitet: Lektion

Studentgrupper: THCIM1-ID

Detaljer (TimeEdit): egen sal



Make comment/review on another group's blog (instructions to be sent out by ylva).

Work on video presentation of project.

Present you latest design in the form of a short video. Discuss aspects that are unclear and could be clarified in the video.

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 21 december 2012
Schemahandläggare redigerade 15 januari 2013

Tisdag 14 maj 2013 kl 108:00 - 12:00

Lärare Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 31 januari 2013

LektionProgress crit (half class)

Lärare Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 19 mars 2013


Continued work on fine tuning the designs for final presentation. Continued work on addressing comments from reviews + meta reviews in final designs.¶

Lärare Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 3 maj 2013


Continued work on fine tuning the designs for final presentation. Continued work on addressing comments from reviews + meta reviews in final designsMake comment/review on another group's blog (instructions to be sent out by ylva).¶

Work on video presentation of project.¶

Present you latest design in the form of a short video. Discuss aspects that are unclear and could be clarified in the video

Schemahandläggare redigerade 31 augusti 2013


Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013


Hela världen får läsa.

Senast ändrad 2013-09-14 01:15

Taggar: Saknas än så länge.