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Version skapad av Mario Romero Vega 2017-05-04 17:47

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Open House

Students of Advanced Graphics and Interaction present some projects in their Open House as final examination in the Visualization Studio VIC. Please read about the projects below.
Who We presented to an open audience. Everyone is welcome. The event is open and free.
Contact: Mario Romero
Where: Visualization Studio VIC


VIRTUAL-SCULPTING-570x455.png Web Video Virtual Sculpting is a molding tool where users shape a virtual 3D model with body gestures.
PLANETARY-DEFENCE-570x455.png Web Video Planetary Defence is a mobile, multi-platform, multi-player online 3D graphics game.
DUSTSTORM-570x455.png Web Video Dust Storm is a 3D graphics game where players survive by orienting a particle canon through hand gestures.
BASEJUMP-570x455.png Web Video Basejump is first-person 3D simulated full-body experience of wingsuit BASE jumping.