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AGI20 Digital Open House

Advanced Graphics and Interaction 2020 Digital Open House Dec 16 8-12 KTH invites you to experience the future of interaction in augmented reality (AR). Explore the projects created by the students of Advanced Graphics and Interaction at the Visualization Studio VIC. Join us to interact with the young developers themselves! Visit us online at zoom/visualmario on Wednesday, December 16, 2019 from 8:00 to 12:00.

Time Project Description 08:00 - 08:15 Introduction Welcome and Introduction! First Hour 08:15 - -08:33 Group 1 - TravellAR Multiplayer creation and /exploration of fantastic landscapes in augmented realityAR. 08:33 - -08:51 Group 2 - Tangible Tactics Tablet-based tower defense game with 3D-printed interactive touchscreen control. 08:51 - -09:09 Group 3 - Eye in the Sky Multiplayer augmented reality adventure game. 09:09 - -09:24 BREAK Second Hour 09:24 - 09:42 Group 4: Kapl'AR Augmented reality Jenga game. 09:42 - 10:00 Group 5: VDungeon Facial expressions on role playing game avatars. 10:00 - 10:18 Group 6: MinigolfAR Augmented reality mini golf. 10:18 - 10:33 BREAK Third Hour 10:33 - 10:51 Group 7: bARpong Augmented reality beer pong game. 10:51 - 11:09 Group 8: Private Investigators Mixed reality multiplayer urban mystery solving game. 11:09 - 11:24 BREAK Fourth Hour 11:24 - 11:42 Group 9: MRlin Multiplayer gesture-based spell casting game. 11:42 - 12:00 Group 10: StellAR Augmented reality creation and exploration of simulated planetary systems. 12:00 - 12:05 Closing remarks