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Avancerad grafik och interaktion

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For information about the course development, including course memo and course analysis of AGI2023, please follow this link: https://www.kth.se/kursutveckling/DH2413?l=en

Welcome to Advanced Computer Graphics and Interaction!

AGI will be a project-based course. We will hold the class in the Visualization Studio, where we will be motivated to create and publicly present some very impressive projects combining state-of-the art hardware, graphics, and interaction techniques.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  1. Collaborate to build original and stable projects that combine methods in advanced computer graphics and advanced human-computer interaction;
  2. Communicate the theory and practice of these methods at a technical and a practical level;
  3. Provide informed constructive criticism to the development of the projects from other teams;
  4. Demonstrate the projects at large public venues to open audiences.
Instructor Mario Romero
Email marior@kth.se
TA Marko Petrovic
Email marko@kth.se
Language English
Classroom VIC - Visualization-Interaction-Collaboration Studio at KTH, Lindstedtsvägen 5, Level 4, room 4451. VIC - MAP
Office Lindstedtsvägen 5 - 4417
Of. Hrs I will meet individually with students upon appointment.
Credits 9.
Reading Material As an advanced course, the reading material will be mostly scientific papers in graphics and interaction. We will determine the material partly based on the projects.

The grades will be A, B, C, D, E, FX, F.

  • A: 91 - 100%
  • B: 81 - 90%
  • C: 71 - 80%
  • D: 61 - 70%
  • E: 51 - 60%
  • F < 50%

Fx will be given only in especial cases.

In order to pass each project, students must: 1) submit it on time; 2) submit quality material; 3) follow the rules of conduct in the honor code. I will provide more detailed metrics for grading at due time.

Grade Breakdown

Grade (%) Due Date
Project 1 Proposal 4 See Canvas
Demos (x3) 6
ForskarFredag 10
Deliverable 1 5
TBA 10
Open House 10
Deliverable 2 5
Project 2 Proposal 5
Demos 10
Open House 15
Deliverable Project 2 10
Assignments 10

There will be two group projects. Each project will have different group members. Each project will have:

  1. Proposal
  2. In-class Demo
  3. Public Presentations
  4. Deliverable
1. Proposal

Each proposal will consist of:

  1. Project Goal
  2. Literature Review
  3. Work Plan
    1. Individual goals and responsibilities
  4. Risk Assessment
  5. Presentation
2. Demo

Each demo will consist of:

  1. A hands-on demonstration of the project
  2. A presentation in front of the class
  3. A discussion
3. Public Presentations There will not be written examinations. Students will present their projects at three different venues: 1. ForskarFredag; 2. Tekniska; 3. Open House at VIC - KTH. We will examine the presentations based on each individual's ability to convey the content, including advanced graphics and interaction techniques, of all the projects, not just his/her own.
4. Deliverable

The deliverable consists of:

  1. Working VIC Demo
  2. Code with comments
  3. Webpage with:
    1. Description
      1. Goal and motivation of the project
      2. Explanation and Justification of the graphics and interaction technologies used and developed
      3. Individual Contributions
      4. Challenges
      5. Obstacles
      6. Related work
      7. Lessons learned
    2. Photos
    3. "Making of" documentary (2 minutes)
    4. Demo Reel (30 seconds)
    5. Optional PR material (logo, trailer, flyers, posters, catalog)
    6. User testimonials (what did people say)

Look at pages from previous years! AGI18AGI17AGI16AGI15AGI14, AGI13, AGI12.

Grading Criteria
  1. F = Projects do not work, no deliverables, no demoes

  2. E = Code, Effort, Deliverables, projects partially work

  3. D = E + projects work smoothly, excellent deliverables and demoes

  4. C = D + Advanced Interaction OR Advanced Graphics

  5. B = C + Advanced Interaction AND Advanced Graphics

  6. A = B + clear individual contribution towards advanced graphics OR advanced interaction

Assignments We will have a number of assignments including reading papers, commenting on group projects, and preparing for the public presentations.
Tardiness While I do not encourage tardiness in submission of projects or examinations, I understand unexpected events occur. Students will communicate with me in case they need extensions. Also, given the nature of the public presentations, it is impossible to extend those deadlines.
