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Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Interaction Sketches and Storyboards¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Interaction Sketches and Storyboards session, workshop in class.
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Egen sal
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Egen sal
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 8 september 2015
Crit 2: Interaction Sketches and Storyboards session, workshop in class.
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Brainstorm and ideation session, workshop in class.¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 1 september 2015
Brainstorm and ideation session, workshop in class.
Preparations - Groupwork to be done before this session is the Filed Study:¶
Go to playground where parents hang out with their toddlers. Ask parents what their children like to do. Observe the play. Go to toy store (online and physical), identify toys for this age group - what are their characteristics? What aspects of physical interaction design would you say are the most important to consider when designing for this particular age group? What about toddlers is most important for you to keep in mind in regards to your specific design task? Get to the bottom of the question - how do young kids play? Pay attention to details. Write about the results on the Blog.¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 1 september 2015
Brainstorm and ideation session, workshop in class.
Preparations - Groupwork to be done before this session is the Filefield Sstudy:
Go to a playground where parents hang out with their toddlers. AIntroduce yourself and your project, ask parents what their children like to do. Observe the play. Take notes. Go to toy store (online and physical), identify toys for this age group - what are their characteristics? What aspects of physical interaction design would you say are the most important to consider when designing for this particular age group? What about toddlers is most important for you to keep in mind in regards to your specific design task? Get to the bottom of the question - how do young kids play? Pay attention to details. Write about the results on the Blog.
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Egen sal
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Egen sal
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 21 september 2015
Class Group Presentations: Present Video and Instructable.¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 2 oktober 2015
LaborGroup Presentations
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Class Group Presentations: Present Video and Instructable.¶
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 2 oktober 2015
LaborGroup Presentations
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 21 september 2015
Guest Lecture
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 6 oktober 2015
Guest Lecture - Pranav Kosuri from Flic¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 7 oktober 2015
Guest Lecture - Pranav Kosuri from FlicShortcut Labs
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Presenting a working platform.¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 3 september 2015
Presenting a working platform.Guest Lecture!
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Egen sal
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 8 september 2015
Guest Lecture!: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group¶
To read either before or after lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (Will be discussed in the following week)
Assistent Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 8 september 2015
Guest Lecture: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group
To read either before or after lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (Will be discussed in the following week)
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 21 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 21 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 30 augusti 2015
Guest Lecture: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group¶
To read before lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 30 augusti 2015
Guest Lecture: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group
To read beforeeither before or after lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (Will be discussed in the following week)
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 1 september 2015
Guest Lecture: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group¶ To read either before or after lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (Will be discussed in the following week)-
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 21 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 22 september 2015
SeminarExtra Lab!
-Since we are deep into the platform work and just had some exciting new hardware delivered we will focus on that. We will be in the usual MID-room and not V33!
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Seminar and Workshop on Actuators, Sensors, Arduino and Raspberry PI. Paper to read before lecture is Gears of our childhood: constructionist toolkits, robotics, and physical computing, past and future¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Seminar and Workshop on Actuators, Sensors, Arduino and, Raspberry PI and serial communication. Paper to read before lecture is Gears of our childhood: constructionist toolkits, robotics, and physical computing, past and future
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 3 september 2015
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 21 september 2015
Guest Lecture/Laboration
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 1 september 2015
Guest Lecture: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group¶
To read either before or after lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (Will be discussed in the following week)¶
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Egen sal
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 8 september 2015
Guest Lecture: Petra Sundström, Sr Project Manager, Connectivity Hub, Husqvarna Group¶ To read either before or after lecture: Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material (Will be discussed in the following week)Physical Mock-ups - Tinkering Seminar.¶
Assistent Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 8 september 2015
Föreläsning - Verkonika Domova, ABB
Physical Mock-ups - Tinkering Seminar.¶ ¶
Lärare Mattias Jacobsson redigerade 27 augusti 2015
Working with physical materials reading seminar. The paper to read before seminar is Leather as a material for crafting interactive and physical artifacts¶
Schemahandläggare redigerade 4 september 2015
Egen sal
Assistent Ylva Fernaeus redigerade 8 september 2015
Working with physical materials reading seminar. The paper to read before seminar is Leather as a material for crafting interactive and physical artifacts