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Vecka 13 2016 Visa i Mitt schema

Nya kurser

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Ons 30 mar 13:00-15:00 Introduction Lecture
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: L1
Ons 30 mar 15:00-17:00 C++ introduction session
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: L1

This session will introduce some very basic C++ concepts that will be of relevance to setting up the labs for the course. This includes a brief C++ tutorial, introduction to SDL and GLM libraries, and an example of building the initial skeleton code that will be used in the subsequent lab work.

The session is voluntary and might be particularly useful to those of you who have not programmed in C++ before.

Vecka 14 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 4 apr 10:00-12:00 Lab: Setting up the skeleton code
VT 2016 dgi16
Datorlaboration Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: 4V2Röd, 4V3Ora

This lab (and all DH2323 labs) are voluntary.

This lab will give you an opportunity to set up the Lab 1 program that will be used in your subsequent lab work throughout the course. While we only support Microsoft Visual Studio, we might also be able to give some feedback on getting the basic code to build on other systems.

The lab will take place only in 4V2Röd.

Since we are unsure of attendance, we request that those of you with a surname starting with A-M attend the first hour of the lab (10-11a.m.) and the remainder attend the second hour (11-12).

Ons 6 apr 13:00-15:00 Introduction to Raytracing
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: D2
Vecka 15 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 11 apr 10:00-12:00 Laboration
VT 2016 dgi16
Laboration Lärare: Christopher Peters
Anmärkning: Visualization Studio

Directions for getting to the Visualization Studio can be found here:


If the door is closed when you arrive, just ring the bell or knock.

As always, this is a voluntary session where you can get some support with your lab or project work and to ask questions.

if you miss it, don't worry: there will be more lab sessions in the future!

Vecka 16 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 18 apr 08:00-10:00 Transformations 1 + Introduction to projects
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Ons 20 apr 13:00-15:00 Lighting and Shading
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Ons 20 apr 15:00-17:00 Datorlaboration
VT 2016 dgi16
Datorlaboration Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: 4V2Röd, 4V3Ora
Vecka 17 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 25 apr 10:00-12:00 Global Illumination
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Ons 27 apr 13:00-15:00 Rasterisation I
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Vecka 18 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 2 maj 10:00-12:00 Rasterisation II + Hierarchical Transformations
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Vecka 19 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 9 maj 10:00-12:00 Scene management
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Ons 11 maj 15:00-17:00 Virtual characters + Animation (takes place in D2)
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: D2

Two invited lectures relating to Unity 3D and virtual characters.

Note that this lecture will take place in D2

You are also invited to participate in a user study involving virtual characters.

If you wish to do so, please add your name and KTH email address to this poll:


Tors 12 maj 13:00-15:00 Laboration
VT 2016 dgi16
Anmärkning: Visualization Studio
Vecka 20 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 16 maj 10:00-12:00 User studies and perception
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Vecka 21 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 23 maj 08:00-10:00 Collision Detection
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Mån 23 maj 10:00-12:00 Virtual agents and crowds
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: B2
Vecka 22 2016 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 30 maj 09:00-10:00 Visualization Studio visit and demonstration session
VT 2016 dgi16
Lektion Lärare: Christopher Peters
Anmärkning: Egen sal, Visualisation Studio