Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


The detailed project instructions can be found here, including grading criteria. Please read them carefully.

One suggested project theme is "Recreating a virtual inhabited KTH". It involves several topic areas relating to the creation of real-time virtual version of KTH, including buildings and virtual inhabitants. Projects related to this are suitable to every level of expertise. You do not need to choose a project related to this theme, but it should be fun and we could create a nice demonstration if a few people take projects related to it.

Here are examples of resources from some previous projects that you have at your disposal, if you wish:


Some additional aspects to note:

1) You should include a one page project specification in your documentation. See here for an example of a good (if somewhat advanced) specification from MSc student and previous DH2323 attendee, Veronica Ginman. The proposal may also provide ideas on how computer graphics implementation can be coupled with a perceptual study.

2) Include a one half page description of how your project could potentially be linked into a novel scientific question and perceptual research study. See some of the Siggraph, Eurographics and Applied Perception papers on Rachel McDonnell's portfolio page for great examples where computer graphics meets perceptual studies in relation to virtual characters.

Linking your project to a perceptual or user study is not very easy to do. So for a good example of a successful attempt, see the blog of previous DH2323 student Maximilian Czerny.

3) Throughout the course, you may be asked to participate in one or more perceptual studies related to computer graphics. It is recommended that you do so, since not only will you receive a small amount of marks for the course, but the study will also give you some practical experience for 2) above.


The deadline for project submission is usually around mid-May (check Canvas for the specific deadlines each year). Your upload should be a single .zip or .rar archive with an appropriate directory structure. Project are submitted through the DH2323 Canvas system.

Note: If you cannot log into Canvas when you click on the link above, then you probably need to be registered to it (this does not relate to your registration on the course). In this case, send the course responsible an email with subject line "DH2323 need Canvas access" from your official KTH emails address and you will be added to the system.

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Lärare kommenterade 23 november 2016

Thanks for the specification. A reply was sent to you by email last week.