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Lab assignments

Materials There are three labs in total. A gallery of (mistaken) art work from the previous year is available here (you may need to reload the page in order for it to be correctly displayed).

Lab 1: Set-up and Introduction to 2D and 3D Graphics Lab 1 Instructions (read this first)Lab 1 Source codeLab 2: RaytracingLab 2 Instructions (read this first)Lab 2 Source codeLab 3: RasterisationLab 3 Instructions Lab 3 Source code

In some cases, setting up the labs for the first time may be non-trivial. The hints and tips section here may be useful for help with this.

Submission Submission of the labs is due on Friday 8th May 2015 as a single .zip or .rar archive with an appropriate directory structure (the Bilda submission system will be opened nearer to the submission date).The recommended documentation is a well-presented, two to three page document per lab detailing your implementation methods (your approach to completing the lab), experiences (problems encountered, solutions) and outputs (what worked, what did not, screenshots). It should not contain many theoretical details or excessive code - source code comments can be added separately. If you worked in a group, group members should be clearly listed with contact details and there should also be a short section describing the contributions of each group member.

The submission materials should consist of source code, executable and documentation for each of the three labs. Lab submission will be conducted through Bilda, under 'Event -> Assignments -> DH2323 DGI15 Lab assignment submission'. Note that Bilda is not yet open for submissions.