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I Nyhetsflödet hittar du uppdateringar på sidor, schema och inlägg från lärare (när de även behöver nå tidigare registrerade studenter).
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. You do have a full day (and a little more time).
Im wondering which code version handling system we should use for this assignment?
KTH provides access to your own SVN (Subversion) repository. You can manage your repository at https://svn.csc.kth.se/admin/
In order to commit or checkout code from the repository, you need an SVN client. On Windows, you can use TortoiseSVN (should be installed on the computers in the computer lab). When properly installed, TortoiseSVN should show up in Windows Explorer's context menu (right click menu).
If you want integrated support in Visual Studio, you can install an extension, such as AnkhSVN. This has to be downloaded and installed, so I don't think you can use it on the school computers at this time. If you use Visual Studio 2010 on your own computer, this can be installed via Tools->Extension Manager->Online Gallery (search for "svn").
Linux and Mac should have a CLI-based (text) SVN client. If you're using Eclipse, there are two integration plugins you can use; Subclipse and Subversive. Either one should work, though I haven't used them in a while, so I can't comment on their current state.
/end wall-of-text
Great answer. Thanks!
Jag undrar varför får jag sådana kommentare när jag kompilarar i OpenGL
'solsystem.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wintrust.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
är det något som måste åtgärdas?
Tack på förhand
nej det är inget som måste åtgärdas. Det är bara Visual Studio som listar system dll filer som det inte finns någon debug information för.
Finns det någon möjlighet att få hjälp med OpenGL IRL? Kommer det inte finnas några mer labbtillfällen?
Nästa OpenGL labbtillfälle är schemalagt torsdag 28/4, 9.15-11
I have a small question about the hand in.
It says last time is on 8th of May. 08.00 in the morning.
Is this correct that we don't have the full 8th of May as well for the labs? :)