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Projects 2023

InfraVis and KTH's Visualization Studio invite you to discover the projects created by our master students in Information Visualization 2023. The list of projects and presentation times are on the table below.

* Date: March 14
* Time: 14:10 - 18:00
* Place: https://kth-se.zoom.us/my/visualmario
* Attendance is free and there is no need to sign up
* You can send questions, comments, suggestions over mentimeter
TIME SLIDES TOPIC 14:10 - 14:15 Opening Remarks by Mario Romero, course leader 14:15 - 14:32 G4 On the same page Visualizing book collections using interactive scatterplots. 14:33 - 14:50 G2 Robin Hood Calculator Visualizing wealth redistribution using interactive histograms. 14:51 - 15:08 G3 UFO Visualizing paranormal reports using interactive choropleth maps. 15:09 - 15:26 G1 Moral Machine Visualizing ethical dilemmas using interactive choropleth maps. 15:27 - 15:44 Break 15:45 - 15:02 G9 A Viz of Ice and Fire Visualizing Game of Thrones deaths using interactive maps and timelines. 16:03 - 16:20 G10 Vizercise Visualizing muscle-targeting exercises using interactive body maps. 16:21 - 16:38 G6 European Taste Test Visualizing local cuisine in Europe using interactive maps. 16:39 - 16:56 Break 16:57 - 17:14 G7 FlixViz Visualizing worldwide Netflix content using interactive maps. 17:15 - 17:32 G8 Suicide Awareness Visualizing suicide incidence using interactive maps and histograms. 17:33 - 17:51 G5 Pokéwidia Visualizing Pokémon characters using interactive radar plots. 17:52 - 18:00 Closing Remarks by Mario Romero, course leader