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Projects 2022

Student Housing Stockholm Atlas of Migration Presenting the latest migration patterns across the globe, Atlas of Migration gives an overview of each nations net migration summarised on a world map. Aura Explora Here you can see several contributing factors to the likelihood of seeing the Aurora borealis, Aura Explora presents a map of Sweden with selectable factors affecting the likelihood to give the user an idea of how likely en Aurora borealis is at a their own location. Species Map With a world overview, Species Map lets you see what species are endangered to what degree, and where. Animeet Top Teams League League of Legends is one of the mostAnimeet helps peopular E-sports titles le find the world. It is a game that affords alot of variation within the confines of it's game mechanics. This enables nearly limitless different strategies for playing. Top Teams League is a platform that helps players, coaches, and fans to gather knowledge from the vast amounts of data generated through previous matches. Steamind Trying to figure out with what to expand your steam library. Steamind shows you which games share what features/properties with games already in your current library. POP.FLO Where are people going? POP.FLO helps you track the movement of populations through Sweden. There and Back Again The Lord of the Rings saga is a modern classic. However it is also telling several stories in several timelines at once so keeping track of all the characterir next Anime show by organising an enoiurmous selection of shows in an easy to overview manner. OrbitEye There are very many satelites in orbit around our planet. To get some sense of the different types of orbits and what they look like the OrbitEye group give you a 3D-representation of the earth and the ability to select satelites to see their orbits. MetaWebb What happens in a minecraft world? MetaWebb demostrates a proof of concept by visualising simulated player actions on the MetaCraft MineCraft server DwarfViz The game Dwarf fortress is a complex game with many simoultaneous player generated storylines. DwarfViz makes it easier for a person to follow these story lines can be quite tricky. There and Back Again presents you with an interactive map where you can get a better overview of who was whered also to se how they affect each other. MainSteam What is the mainstream game of today? MainSteam shows both what is popular and at what time. YouTrending Helping content creators keep track of what is trending and popular: YouTrending helps users keep track of what is popular and whenis trending month to month on Steam, as well as gives details about the individual games. MovieMap What are the economics of film making? MovieMap gives an overview of the known budgets of films produced and correlates these to their respective revenues.