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C-Awards 2016

Information Visualization 2016

Information Visualization 2016 Students This year the Visualization Studio supported a record of 20 projects from 120 students in three of our teacher Mario Romero's courses: Information Visualization, Advanced Graphics and Interaction, and Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces. We are crossing our fingers for their success at the C-Awards! We will post where to vote for your favorite project soon! In the meantime, you can browse through this wonderful and extensive library of projects and join us in congratulating the students!

Information Visualization 2016 Link Video Name and Description Web Video MEEBLE combines automatic speech recognition and interactive information visualization to optimize the productivity of your teleconferences by providing visual analytics of the spoken topics.

Web Video Smoothly provides a fluid tablet visualization informing the process of selecting the most nutritionally balanced ingredients to create not only the tastiest but the healthiest smoothies.

Web Video WindMind supports eolic energy harvesting in Tanzania by providing engineers on the ground a dashboard visualization of the state of the network of turbines, allowing them to quickly understand load and maintenance requirements.

Web Video GitSpace paints star constellations that visually tracks the changes made to a project's code in a GIT repository . It allows in the project, and who made them, making the development process flow smoothly. , improving the flow of the development process. ¶

Web Video Engineer Your Future visually correlates the skills needed for posted career opportunities with the skills provided by a KTH education.

Web Video

Web Video Web Video Web Video Moviz visualizes the landscape of motion pictures as a forest of music and color.