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C-Awards 2016
Please vote for your favorite project! VOTE Information Visualization 2016 students
The Visualization Studio is proud to announce the C-Awards submission of a record-breaking 19 projects from 120 students in Mario Romero's courses: Information Visualization, Advanced Graphics and Interaction, and Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces. Please, vote for your favorite project! The Visualization Studio achieved 14 of the 21 nominations! Also, of the 9 of the 15 projects with nominations are from us! We congratulate our students on their hard work and success! We wish them the best luck this Thursday, April 14.
Information Visualization Meeble Web Video MEEBLE combines automatic speech recognition and interactive information visualization to optimize the productivity of your teleconferences by providing visual analytics of the spoken discussions. Vote! C-Awards Page.
Smoothly Web Video Smoothly provides a fluid tablet visualization informing the process of selecting the most nutritionally balanced ingredients to create not only the tastiest but the healthiest smoothies. Vote! C-Awards Page.
WindMind Web Video WindMind supports eolic energy harvesting in Tanzania by providing engineers on the ground a dashboard visualization of the state of the network of turbines, allowing them to quickly understand load and maintenance requirements. Vote! C-Awards Page.
GitSpace – Ambient Visualiation for GIT Web Video GitSpace paints star constellations that visually track the changes in a project's GIT repository, improving the flow of the development process. Vote! C-Awards Page. Nominations: Business Opportunity, Technical Excellence.
Engineer Your Future Web Video Engineer Your Future visualizes the most common professional tracks and skill sets at KTH and the companies alumni join. Vote! C-Awards Page.
Pathicular Web Video Pathicular visualizes people's everyday journeys in space and time, unearthing unexpected introspections of the places we spend our life. Vote! C-Awards Page.
Solid Web Video Solid presents a deeply critical data-grounded perspective of the disproportionate media coverage dedicated to alarmist morbidity and mortality rates around the world. Vote! C-Awards Page. Nominations: Business Opportunity, Research. Late Web Video Late visualizes delay frequency, duration, and propagation in rail networks, providing deep explorative tools for investigative analysis of train latency. Vote! C-Awards Page. Nominations: Research. WikiPedro Web Video WikiPedro visualizes local networks of related articles in Wikipedia targeted searches for active and explorative learning. Vote! C-Awards Page. Moviz Web Video Moviz visualizes the landscape of motion pictures as a forest of music and color. Vote! C-Awards page.
Advanced Graphics and Interaction Web Video Brarwl is a multi player fighting game in augmented reality using mobile devices. Vote! C-Awards page. Nomination: Visual Effects. Web Video Spinnulator Vote! C-Awards page. Nomination: Business Opportunity. Web Video Blopper is a Virtual Reality game with full-freedom of movement where the objective is to pop balloons with your hands Vote! C-Awards page. Web Video Padawan 101 is virtual reality training ground for aspiring Jedis defending laser-shooting enemies with a virtual lightsaber. Vote! C-Awards page. Nomination: Technical Excellence. Web Video Mad Sand is a digital and physical interactive and collaborative game where players alter the topography of a landscape to allow team mates to collect candy. Vote! C-Awards page. Nominations: Interactive Design, Creative Technology. Web Video Chillax Vote! C-Awards page. Web Video Color Splat Vote! C-Awards page. Nominations: Interaction Design, Creative Technology, Public Magnet.