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C-Awards 2016
The Visualization Studio is proud to announce the C-Awards submission of a record-breaking 19 projects from 120 students in Mario Romero's courses: Information Visualization, Advanced Graphics and Interaction, and Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces. Please, vote for your favorite project!
Information Visualization
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MEEBLE combines automatic speech recognition and interactive information visualization to optimize the productivity of your teleconferences by providing visual analytics of the spoken discussions. |
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Smoothly provides a fluid tablet visualization informing the process of selecting the most nutritionally balanced ingredients to create not only the tastiest but the healthiest smoothies. |
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WindMind supports eolic energy harvesting in Tanzania by providing engineers on the ground a dashboard visualization of the state of the network of turbines, allowing them to quickly understand load and maintenance requirements. |
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GitSpace paints star constellations that visually track the changes made to a project's code in a GIT repository, improving the flow of the development process. |
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Engineer Your Future visualizes the most common professional tracks and skill sets at KTH and the companies alumni join. |
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Pathicular visualizes people's everyday journeys in space and time, unearthing unexpected introspections of the places we spend our life. |
Web | Video | Solid presents a deeply critical data-grounded perspective of the disproportionate media coverage dedicated to alarmist morbidity and mortality rates around the world. |
Web | Video | Late visualizes delay frequency, duration, and propagation in rail networks, providing deep explorative tools for investigative analysis of train latency. |
Web | Video | WikiPedro visualizes local networks of related articles in Wikipedia targeted searches for active and explorative learning. |
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Moviz visualizes the landscape of motion pictures as a forest of music and color. |