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DH2320 Project Blogs


Please make sure to create a blog for your project!

Blogs from some ongoing Visgra14 projects. Please check back frequently as they are updated regularly:

Interactive map of tweets using eye-tracking in Unity:  http://dh2320awesome.tumblr.com/

Create 3D models of benches around KTH: http://kthbenches2014.wordpress.com/

Modelling VIC Studio in 3D: http://visualcopy.blogspot.se/

Modelling the entrance to the CSC building: http://projectdh2320.blogspot.se

Modelling the KTH Courtyard (borggården): http://kthcourtyard3d.blogspot.se/

Visualising colour and investigating its meaning in different cultures: http://kth.ff6600.ch/index.php/category/dh2320-project

Bus stops modelling and texturing: http://dh2320busstops.wordpress.com/

Model of a trash bin: http://evertlagerberg.blogspot.se/

Modelling the KTH administrative building: http://kthadminbuilding.wordpress.com/

Modelling the CSC lobby: http://lobbymodel.blogspot.se/

Polygon reduction for 3D characters: http://milivojevicmladen.wordpress.com/project-specifications/

Polygon reduction for 3D characters: http://statecs.com/dh2320/

Perceptually-varied crowds: http://tribestar.wordpress.com/category/perceptually-varied-crowd/ .

Example blog from ongoing projects in other courses:

Procedural footpath (sidewalk) generation: http://projectfharlanghn.wordpress.com/

Modelling a bus in Blender for use in Unity: http://dh2323bus.wordpress.com/