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Version skapad av Eva Sjuve 2016-02-15 21:05

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Course description

This is an introductory course that presents a cognitive science perspective on human-computer interaction as both theory and application. Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field of thinking and communication of humans and machines, with both technical and humanistic, social and biological perspectives. This course covers an overview of the human condition and the consequences of using information technology as a tool to solve problems. User interface design is a central part of creating favorable conditions for a sound relationship between man-machine. Although interface design is commonly associated with human-computer interaction, this is far from the only aspect that is central to the subject. This course will present a number of different methods as an aid to understanding the users that will use the technology and the context in which this is done. Above all, the course will emphasize the importance of attention to user needs, motivation and use the situation to create useful solutions.

This is a practice based course, where students work in groups to work through a design process, from initial field studies to making a digital prototype for human-computer interaction, bridging this with a theoretical understanding of the process.The students learn to analyze user requirements, user interfaces and work situations, and will be asked to design an new interface or suggest modifications of existing software. The students are obliged to work both independently and actively in groups throughout the course. Theoretical and practical aspects of the human cognitive capabilities and implications for the use of interactive computer systems are examined in the course to understand how usability design can support the user. An overview of theories of behavioral science and how they relate to design and use of interactive computer systems is part of the theory that will be covered in this course.