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Version skapad av Karl Meinke 2020-03-02 19:17

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Laboratory Exercises


Contents Submission deadline

Lab 1

(a) Exercise Sheet 1

End of Period 3

Lab 2

(a) Exercise sheet 2

JML syntax definition.

End of Period 3

Lab 3

(a) Exercise Sheet 3

(b) Instructions.pdf (c) bitshift.smv (d) carcontroller.smv

(e) examples.zip  NOTE 5 documents!

End of Period 3

General Lab Instructions:  You need to pass all 3 labs before you can pass the course. A lab has just two grades: (a) pass, (b) fail.

You can work on a lab alone, or with a partner. I don't recommend working as three, and more is not allowed.

If you fail a lab you must re-do it until it is passed. There is no specific time limit for this, but a good aim is to complete all the labs before the exam, alternatively before summer vacation.

On completing each lab, you should print out one hard-copy and bring it along to the exercise class the following week. Here we will go through model answers, and you should be able to see if you have passed each question, or if you made a mistake, what it was. You are encouraged to discuss your answers with me during an exercise class if there is something you did not understand.

At the end of the exercise class you should hand in to me one hard-copy of the lab (I do not for technical reasons accept electronic submissions). Make sure the names and e-mail addresses of all the lab partners are on the work. You do not need to hand in 2 solutions if you are 2 lab partners.

If you have not completed the lab (e.g. you are sick) or you cannot attend the exercise class the following week, then you can put a hard-copy of your lab work into my mail tray (Karl Meinke) on level 4 of the E building. You can do this at any time you wish, even after the course has finished.

I generally mark lab work in batches, so they may be some delay between submitting your work, and seeing a grade in rapp/ladok. If you doubt whether I have received your work you can mail me.

It is a good idea to keep a backup copy of all your lab work until you have completed the course.

Lab Rooms

You can find the lab rooms with this lab room map