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Course Literature

Course Book P. Ammann and J. Offutt, Introduction to Software Testing, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2017, ISBN 978-1-107-17201-2. As a KTH student, you should be able to download a free .pdf copy of this from KTH Library.

Additional literature You may like to do further background reading, during the course or at a later date. The following texts can be recommended:

* Y. Lei et al. IPOG: A General Strategy for T-Way Software Testing, ECBS '07, IEEE.
* G. Fraser et al., Testing with model checkers: a Survey, 2007.
* Model-based testing: M. Utting and B. Legeard, Practical Model-Based Testing: a Tools Approach, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007.
* Context-driven school of testing: C. Kaner, J. Bach, B. Pettichord, Lessons Learned in Software Testing, a Context-Driven Approach, Wiley, 2001.
* Quality school of testing: E. Kit, Software Testing in the Real World, Addison Wesley, 1995.
* Standards school of testing: W. Hetzel, The Complete Guide to Software Testing, Wiley, 1993.
* Agile school of testing: L. Crispin and J. Gregory, Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams, Addison Wesley, 2009.
* Code Coverage and Test Automation: State of the Art, Karl Meinke, 2020

Lecture 1: An IEEE survey of software failures in 2018. How many of these could have been avoided by better testing?

Lecture 1: Here is an interesting youtube video about the Toyota unintended acceleration case by Phil Koopman

Lecture 3: Here is a link to a JUnit tutorial on Tutorialspoint.

Lecture 4, Lab 2: Here is an interesting youtube video about JML. Here is a very detailed tutorial about JML. Here is a link to the JML syntax definition.
