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Course Outline

Below, you find an outline of the course with required reading and recommended exercises, both based on the course book.

Class 1 [Chapter 1.1] [slides]

  • Introduction to Semantics for Programming Languages
  • Course goals and syllabus
  • Course organization and administration

Part I: Operational Semantics and Language Implementation

Class 2 [Chapter 1.2-1.4, 2.1] [Exercises 1.13, 2.3, 2.7]

  • Syntax of the simple programming language While
  • Semantics of arithmetic and Boolean expressions [Prolog]
  • Definitions and proofs by structural induction
  • Natural semantics (aka Big-step operational semantics) [Prolog]
  • Description of Assignment 1 (see Assignments)

Class 3 [Chapter 2.2, 2.3] []

  • Program termination
  • Equivalence between statements [rules]
  • Determinism of While
  • The semantic function Sns
  • Structural operational semantics (aka Small-step operational semantics)
  • Configuration graphs and state space exploration [example]

Class 4 [Chapter 3] [Exercise 2.16]

  • Peer assessment of Assignment 1
  • The semantic function Ssos
  • Equivalence of natural and structural operational semantics
  • Extending While with additional language features:
    • abortion
    • non-determinism
    • parallelism/concurrency/threads
    • procedures
  • Description of Assignment 2 (see Assignments)

Class 5 [Chapter 4] []

  • Correct implementation of programming languages: approach
  • An abstract machine: language and semantics
  • A translation of While statements into abstract machine code

Class 6 [] [Exercises 4.13, 4.14, 4.19]

  • Correctness as semantic equality w.r.t. specification semantics
  • Description of Assignment 3 (see Assignments)
  • Description of Lab Assignment 1 (see Labs)

Part II: Denotational Semantics and Program Analysis

Class 7 [Chapter 5.1] []

  • Peer assessment of Assignment 2
  • Peer assessment of Assignment 3
  • Concluding remarks on operational semantics
  • Introduction to Denotational Semantics
  • The meaning of while loops

Class 8 [Chapter 5.2] [Exercises 5.18, 5.21, 5.33, 5.40]

  • Fixed-point theory

Class 9 [Chapter 5.3, 5.4] [Exercises 5.49, 5.50, 5.51, 5.53]

  • Summary of conditions for the Fixed Point Theorem
  • Back to the denotational semantics of while loops
  • Example: the denotation semantics of  while ¬(x=0) do x:=x-2 [example]
  • Consistency with the operational semantics of While
  • Language properties expressed through denotational semantics:
    • determinism
    • termination
    • equivalence of statements
  • Description of Assignment 4 (see Assignments)

Class 10 [Chapter 7.1] []

  • Introduction to Program Analysis
  • Detection-of-signs analysis: Arithmetic and Boolean expressions

Class 11 [Chapter 7.4] [Exercises 7.28, 7.29] [notes]

  • Detection-of-signs analysis: statements
  • Detection-of-signs analysis: examples
  • Application to program transformation
  • Description of Assignment 5 (see Assignments)

Part III: Axiomatic Semantics and Program Verification

Class 12 [Chapter 9.2]

  • Description of Lab Assignment 2 (see Labs)
  • Symbolic execution [notes]
  • Introduction to Axiomatic Semantics [rules]

Class 13

  • Peer assessment of Assignment 4
  • Peer assessment of Assignment 5
  • Soundness and completeness of axiomatic semantics
  • Proof tableaux: proofs as annotated programs [example-tree] [example-tableau]
  • Loop invariants
  • Description of Assignment 6 (see Assignments)

Class 14 [Chapter 9.3]

  • Peer assessment of Assignment 6
  • Automated program verification I
    • symbolic execution based verification [notes]

Class 15

  • Automated program verification II
  • Course Summary
  • Exam Preparation