Dear all,

POINTS. Everything that has reached me has been graded and all points have been entered into the system, but I kindly ask you to do the following before the exam:

  1. Check for each homework that: (a) I have summed your T-points correctly to the circled points on the first page, and (b) I have entered the result correctly into Rapp.
  2. Check for each homework that: (a) you have registered for Krypto15 in Kattis, and (b) that the points for your accepted submissions have been entered in Rapp. Note that if you did not register in Kattis before the deadline for Homework I, then it is quite likely that I have not entered all your results because I have not seen them.
  3. Check that your presentation points are found in Rapp.
  4. If something seems missing or not correct, then please summarize this on a piece of paper that you bring to the oral exam.

SPECIAL STUDENTS. If you are not in Rapp for this years course, then you are a "special student". I keep your results in a file. Feel free to email me and ask if you need to know your points.

PREPARING FOR THE ORAL EXAM. During the exam we first look at any potential note you bring about your points (see above). Then we consider your solutions, both theoretical and practical. You can point out grading errors or show that you understand something better than what follow from your solutions. If I have written "ORAL EXAM" or similar, then I expect you to do your best to fill in more details or clarify. I will ask about these things, but I may also ask questions randomly about the solutions to ensure that you understand them.

If you do not understand your solutions to the extent that I can be confident that you did them on your own, then you will fail the oral exam, but this has only happened a handful of times over the years, so if you did your work this is merely a formality.

More interestingly, I will give you more points or withdraw points for solutions of particular problems. I stress that this is not a theoretical possibility, the number points typically change for at least half the students and mostly in a positive way.

However, keep in mind that we only have 15 minutes per student on average so please think about what you want to say before you enter my room.

WHAT ABOUT HOMEWORK IV, WE DO NOT HAVE THE GRADED SOLUTIONS?  All students will not have the opportunity to ponder on their graded solutions for Homework IV. Fortunately, the only solutions that were somewhat confusing were those for Problem 6a) and 6d). Make sure that you can explain what you did if you solved these problems.

Good luck!
