Dear all,

I have graded your solutions and reported them to Rapp. I will put your solutions at Studentexpeditionen Tomorrow for you to pick up and report the implementation problems to Rapp as well.

Unusually many solutions were hard to judge completely, in particular the problem with the distributed hash function. In some cases I have written "Oral exam!" or similar. This means that you should think through your solution and clarify during the oral exam to let me give you more points.

In some cases I have even given you zero points, e.g., an extreme case is if some of your argument are sound, but there is a fatal fundamental flaw that should reduce the points drastically unless I have misunderstood you. Thus, please pick up your solution and have a look.

I remind you that the sole purpose of the oral exam is to give all of you a fair grade. It allows me to check that you did your submitted work. It allows you to show a better understanding than what your solutions indicate as well as pointing out grading errors I may have made. There is no requirement that I have written "Bring up during oral exam!" to bring something up. In the past this has worked well.

There will be no questions about anything except your solutions.
