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Version skapad av Douglas Wikström 2015-02-09 16:46

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All handouts in the course will be available here.

General Information

Latex and Running Ubuntu on Windows

To install Ubuntu in your VM Ware player, start the player, create a new virtual machine, and browse for the ISO-file. All you need to do is enter your name and password, the rest is taken care of by VM Ware player. When this is done you open a browser inside your Ubuntu and download ubuntu.tar.gz from this page. Look inside the scripts and comment out the things you do not want, the script is reasonably well documented.


  • Homework 1. The notion of pseudo-random permutation used in Problem 8d) is the one where the adversary has access to two oracles: one for evaluating the permutation and one for evaluating its inverse. This corresponds to a cipher for which we can mount both chosen plaintext attacks and chosen ciphertext attacks. If only the permutation-oracle is available (and not the inverse-oracle), then three rounds suffice, so the distinction is important.

    The AES problem is on the Kattis server, but it is not visible as part of the Krypto15 course. I am not sure why this is and will investigate it.

    We thank Bastian Fredriksson for pointing out these issues.

  • Homework 2.
  • Homework 3.
  • Homework 4.

Slides From Lectures

  • Lecture 1.
  • Lecture 2.
  • Lecture 3.
  • Lecture 4.
  • Lecture 5.
  • Lecture 6.
  • Lecture 7.
  • Lecture 8.
  • Lecture 9.
  • Lecture 10.
  • Lecture 11.
  • Lecture 12.
  • Lecture 13.
  • Lecture 14.
  • Lecture 15.