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General Information

Lärare Douglas Wikström skapade sidan 12 januari 2015

Douglas Wikström flyttade sidan från Foundations of Cryptography (DD2448) 12 januari 2015

Lärare Douglas Wikström ändrade rättigheterna 12 januari 2015

Kan därmed läsas av studerande och lärare och ändras av lärare.

Lärare Douglas Wikström ändrade rättigheterna 21 januari 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 23 januari 2015

Hi students in krypto15,

I am looking to form/join a study group for the homeworks, as defined in the "rules for solving problems and handing in solutions" document. Please comment below or mail didrikl@kth.se if you are also interested in forming/completing a study group!

kommenterade 30 januari 2015

I also need a study group!

kommenterade 31 januari 2015

Ours is full now!

Lärare kommenterade 6 februari 2015

Please clarify if your comment is important. Maybe I am thick-headed, but I don't understand :-)

kommenterade 13 februari 2015


A question regarding the points in homework 1, mostly since i am unfamiliar with the grading system. It states that "you may only submit solutions for a nominal value of 50 points in total (summing I and T points)" and there are 54 points. Is the meaning of this that we answer questions for a potential 50 points total and consequently disregard questions corresponding to the 4 leftover points?

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 15 februari 2015

Värt att tänka på när du skriver latex: Spara textfilen som iso-latin1 eller byt ut




om du använder utf8.

kommenterade 2 mars 2015

I am unable to find homework 2 or information about why it is not available under Handouts where I could find homework 1. Under Deadlines, it says the following: 

  • Homework II. Friday, March 13, 12:00. (available Friday, February 27, 24:00)

So have the homework been postponed without an update here? Excuse me if this information has been provided through the lectures. I haven't attended some of them. 

kommenterade 3 mars 2015

It has been post-poned 1 week because we are behind schedule. This info was given on the last lecture, yes.


kommenterade 8 mars 2015

When will homework 2 be published? Will the deadline be postponed further? Thanks.

kommenterade 12 mars 2015

Hi, here comes an obvious(?) one:
När ni löser modexp på Kattis, tänk på att talen inte ryms i en 64-bit int. 

(When you solve modexp please keep in mind that the numbers don't fit in 64-bit integers :))

Lärare kommenterade 12 mars 2015

This is correct, but please do not post information here about the problems of the homeworks. Doug

kommenterade 13 mars 2015


kommenterade 20 mars 2015

Please note that the description of the RSAfact-problem on Kattis is erroneous. The description says that N is the "product of two odd and distinct primes p and q", but these are not necessarily odd (which can also be seen from the sample input).

kommenterade 20 mars 2015

Hello, regarding slides from lecture 6, it says that the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity for the Jacobi symbol only requires that the numerator and denominator are odd integers, but they must also be coprime, right?

On the same note: in problem 10 on the second homework, is it enough to show the intermediate properties used, or must we actually do it 'by hand' (regarding the large numbers)?


kommenterade 2 april 2015

In homework 2 question 6b i am using (very) basic properties of negligible functions for the proof. Should i include the proof (which takes up about 1/3 page) or are simple facts considered well known?

kommenterade 29 april 2015


The broken link in problem 4 can be replaced with http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/ecrypt2/documents/D.SPA.20.pdf

(Hopefully this is the same document.)

kommenterade 29 april 2015

I assume we can just take the template for HW1/2 and add all the problems since there is no template for HW3?

kommenterade 1 juni 2015

In HW4 the link to the Feldman Kattis problem seems to result in a 404 error. Searching for "Feldman" on Kattis yields the following problem: https://kth.kattis.com/problems/kth%3Akrypto%3Afeldman

Is this the right Kattis problem?

Lärare kommenterade 1 juni 2015

Yes, you are right.


kommenterade 3 juni 2015

Are there slides available from the guest lecture?

Lärare kommenterade 4 juni 2015

There are no slides from the guest lecture.


kommenterade 4 juni 2015

There are guest lecture slides from 2011, though. Of course, they might be outdated.