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Version skapad av Douglas Wikström 2015-01-12 10:48

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Here you will find the homework deadlines in the course.

You hand in your solutions at Studentexpeditionen which is open Monday-Thursday, 13:00-15:00. Please note that it is not open on Fridays.

The deadlines below are tentative. If they collide with other deadlines for too many people we simply change them, but when we have agreed on a deadline it is strict.

  • Homework I. Monday, March 3, 16:00.
  • Homework II. Tuesday, April 1, 15:00 (not announced here until it expired).
  • Homework III. April 28, 15:00.
  • Homework IV. May 20, 15:00.

(There are of course exceptional circumstances that are valid reasons to be unable to meet a deadline. Email me as soon as possible if a relative passes away, you get divorced, have a child, etc.)

There are six deadlines in this course, of which two can be chosen by the student to some extent.
  • Presentations. 20 February - 24 February. Book your time here.
  • Homework 1. March 10.
  • Homework 2. April 25.
  • Homework 3. May 22.
  • Homework 4. June 15.
  • Oral Exams. 28 May - 25 June. Times will are available for booking here.