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Version skapad av Jens Lagergren 2016-10-20 10:23

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There will be three rounds of assignments. These should be solved individually and handed in on order to be graded. The dates respective dates are: handout Nov 13, Nov 27, Dec 11 (hand in before next is handed out and the last before 24th; exact info will be supplied later).

There will also be a project that will be graded. You will be allowed to collaborate in pairs, which we will select based on the grades on the first two assignments, or possibly the first.  The projects will be handed out Dec 15. 

We will give points to the assignments. For the first, second, and third  the maximum number of points will be 10 (although no points originally were listed for the individual problems in assignment 1; listed in the original order, they give 2, 2, 3/2, 3/2, and 3 points), 12, and 12, respectively. 

The projects will, basically, give between 10 and 22 points, with the following brief guide - 10 (almost correct, reasonable presentation), 16 (correct, good presentation) ,  and 22 (correct, very good presentation including plots). We will also allow ourselves to hand out bonus points on the projects. 

Finally, the following grading scheme will be used ≥ 48 points A; ≥ 42, B; ≥ 36, C;  ≥30, D; and ≥24 E. Only the sum will matter.