Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


There will be three rounds of assignments. These should be solved individually and handed in on order to be graded. They are all available together with deadlines on the assignment pages.

There will also be a project that will be graded. You will be allowed to collaborate in pairs, which we will select based on the grades on the first two assignments, or possibly the first.  The projects and its deadline are now available on the project page. 

We will give points to the assignments. For the first, second, and third  the maximum number of points will sum to approximately 34. 

The projects will, basically, give between 10 and 22 points, with the following brief guide - 10 (almost correct, reasonable written presentation), 16 (correct, good presentation) ,  and 22 (correct, very good presentation including plots). We will also allow ourselves to hand out bonus points on the projects. 

Finally, the following grading scheme will be used ≥ 48 points A; ≥ 42, B; ≥ 36, C;  ≥30, D; and ≥24 E. Only the sum will matter. 

Jens Lagergren skapade sidan 20 oktober 2016

kommenterade 7 november 2016


I have a few questions about the project work. First, the hand in for the project is scheduled for January. Would it be on January 1st or is it not fixed yet? Besides, the project will undoubtedly include writing a report, but will it also lead to a presentation?



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kommenterade 8 november 2016


Would it be possible to present earlier (e.g. 12th or 13th of January)? I'm moving away for my master thesis and my accommodation contract with KTH expires on January 15th so its a bit hard for me stay in Stockholm past that date.


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Lärare kommenterade 9 november 2016

Sorry my earlier answer was incorrect (I was thinking about DD2434). In this course, you merely submit a project report. So there is no presentation of the project.

kommenterade 13 november 2016


I noticed that assignment 1 have not gotten any points distributed to it. Should we assume that each assignments are approximately worth 34/3, further is each exercise in ass1 worth  34/3/5 (as there are 5 exercises). This would be nice to know, as I would like to plan my studies accordingly

Best regards,

Lärare kommenterade 13 november 2016

The points for the problems in Assignment 1 are now listed on the page. The points sum to 10.

kommenterade 19 december 2016

Hi Jens, is there going to be a third assignment and a project? In that case, when will they be handed out and will there be new deadlines for them?

Lärare kommenterade 19 december 2016

I'll put them on the web today and yes there will be new deadlines.