Slides and some notes
Slides from:
- First lecture pdf
- Second lecture pdf
- Third lecture pdf
- Fourth lecture pdf
- Fifth lecture pdf
- I only used the board during this lecture. I did maximum weight independent set for trees (notes fairly ugly) and marginalization for DGMs for Bernoulli CPDs and a graph which is a binary tree (the central parts of this can be found in next lectures slides).
- Seventh lecture pdf
- Eight lecture slides pdf. Eight lecture on board pdf (really ugly first but then better ...).
- Ninth lecture pdf (I also showed each clique in some bag for graphs with junction trees).
- Tenth lecture pdf. This is covered pretty briefly in the book (23.5), but more extensively by Doucet and Johansen. (I also started on Bouchard-Cote, Jordan - SMC for phylogeny).
- 11th lecture notes (SMC for phylogeny) pdf and slides.
- 12th lecture notes and slides.