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Projektkurs i beräkningsvetenskap

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Course description

This is a project course in which you conduct an individual project under the guidance of a supervisor within the area of scientific computing. 

For more information, see the course Canvas page. 

Learning outcomes

After passing the project course, you will be able to

  • independently plan, conduct, report (orally and in writing), a project in the scientific computing area that is important for a problem-owner in industry, administration or academy, and motivate conclusions,

  • collect and systematize requirements and expectations on project deliverables, and asses the reasonableness of these in light of available time and resources,

  • select a course of action and prepare, follow and adapt a plan for the project,

  • write reports in Swedish or English complying to established standards of design, language, style and content,

  • orally report project results with requirements on preparation, content, style and time used,

in order to

  • be well prepared for a degree project in the area of scientific computing


  • Project, written and oral examination (A-F).


Relevant research articles in the area of scientific computing Learning outcomes

Recommended prerequisites

The courses DD2363 and DD2356, or similar.
