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Since the first scheduled presentation tomorrow monday is 10:20, do we start at 10:00 or 10:20?
Where are we supposed to turn in our final report for Assignment 1? And the deadline is Sunday (14th Feb), correct?
You can email it to me. The deadline is next meeting (16/2). Sorry for being unclear on this.
How strictly do we have to follow the template? I can't imagine there will be enough to write about to fill at least one page for each (any?) of the categories. I presume it should be ok to just write however much we can? But then there could possibly just be one or two paragraphs each, would that become too little? Since it will probably be a bit shorter, do we need an abstract?
So is there any lower requirement for the whole report? Such as it has to be at least 2 pages long or something?
Good question. In general, I think you should be able to write the described amount of text. The problem area is quite wide, and important. There has been a lot of work on it, and you have put a lot of time into the problem.Having said that, the page estimates is not a hard constraint. But you should not deviate too far from it. /Petter
It is ok to have more than 12 pages if the reason for exceeding is pictures?
Yes. But try to keep it under 14 at least. /Petter
Are we allowed to reference algorithms and such from the previous report without talking about them in this one? If no, are we allowed to simply copy-paste it from the previous report into the current one?
You can reference your earlier report. /Petter
We rescheduled our presentation from monday to thursday, so there is a slot available on monday.