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The three assignments are carried out individually and are examined orally.

* Assignment 1: Graphical Models (Deadline November 28)
* Assignment 2: Representations (Deadline December 3)
* Assignment 3: Sampled and Ensemble Models (Deadline December 17)
* wave.txt, waveTest.txt
* swissRoll.txt, swissRollTest.txt
* cityWithCar.txt

You can now book a time for presentation of Assignment 1 April 20 through this Doodle.

You can also book a time for presentation of Assignment 2 April 20 through this Doodle. To present, you first have to submit a report by Sunday April 19, 12.00 NOON ECT, according to the instructions in the Assignment 2 description.

You can also book a time for presentation of Assignment 3 April 20 through this Doodle. To present, you first have to submit a report by Sunday April 19, 12.00 NOON ECT, according to the instructions in the Assignment 3 description.

Grading Each assignment is graded as A-F(fail) at the oral exam. In the case of F, the assignment has to be presented again at a later time. The grade depends on how large part of the assigment that was carried out correctly - this is specified on each assigment description. The grade is also affected by delays in the presentation of the assignment. The tables below show how the grades for assignment 1, 2, and 3 decays over time. "Grade Assignment X" corresponds to the grade according to the specification on the assignment description:

Oral Exam by the Latest November 28 January 14 April 20 (hard deadline) -- -- Grade Assignment 1 A A B C D E B B C D E E C C D E E E D D E E E E E E E E E E Oral Exam by the Latest December 3 January 7 February 3 March 3 April 20 (hard deadline) Grade Assignment 2 A A B C D E B B C D E E C C D E E E D D E E E E E E E E E E Oral Exam by the Latest December 17 January 20 February 17 March 17 April 20 (hard deadline) Grade Assignment 3 A A B C D E B B C D E E C C D E E E D D E E E E E E E E E E In other words: Be on time with the assignments! The first date of each exam is scheduled; to present before any of the later deadlines for each exam, please make an individual appointment with the responsible teacher (Jens Lagergren for 1, Carl Henrik Ek for 2, Hedvig Kjellström for 3) well in advance.

The grades on the individual assignments are weighted together in a robust manner, as the mean (rounded upwards) of the 2 individual assignments with the highest grade. NOTE: You still need to pass all three assignments, i.e., get at least grade E on all three assignments.

Assignment GradeCriteria (2 highest individual assignment grades, regardless of order) A (A,A), (A,B) B (A,C), (A,D), (B,B), (B,C) C (A,E), (B,D), (B,E), (C,C), (C,D) D (C,E), (D,D), (D,E) E (E,E)