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Version skapad av Patric Jensfelt 2016-08-17 09:31

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This is a master level course on robotics and autonomous systems. The idea is that this is one of the last courses that a student takes before starting the master thesis project and that they get to apply knowledge from many courses taken earlier in the education.

Building complex systems such as robots require knowledge from many different domains and areas of expertise. The aim of this course is to let students build a mobile robot system to solve a specific task. The system is built from scratch both mechanically and in software. The aim is that each student gets in-depth knowledge in one or more subdomains of mobile robotics and that all get to experience integration of different components. The course aims to give the students hands on experience both with system integration and robotic systems. 

Intended learning outcomes

After completing the course the student should be able to

  1. recall basic concepts in robotics
  2. implement and integrate software components for robots
  3. solve a robotics task with limited resources
  4. identify and discuss ethical and societal aspects of robot technology

in order to

  • be able to work with autonomous and other complex systems in research and/or development
  • become better at planning, executing and developing work in project groups.


Assessment tasks

The examination for the course consists of the following assessment tasks.


An individual lab to assess the student's ability to contribute to the project work by showing basic knowledge about how to use a computer running Linux and the Robot Operating System (ROS - http://www.ros.org)


Short essay about robo-ethics


At the end of the course a written exam is given to assess broad and basic knowledge about robotics.


This is the main form of examination. A project is carried out in groups of three to five students. Typically none of the students know each other from before and their backgrounds (education, country, etc) are different and the communication in English is necessary. Students are assessed on an individual basis.

Course components

  • LAB1 ( ROS Lab )
  • TEN1 ( Essay and Written exam )
  • PRO1 ( Project work )

In this course all the regulations of the code of honor at the School of Computer science and Communication apply, see https://www.kth.se/en/csc/utbildning/hederskodex/regel1-1.55624


The project ends with a friendly contest where the robots designed by the different teams compete in performing the project task. The main aims are to create a fun event to finish off the course and to get a chance to see how different solutions compare in solving the task. An intended learning experience with the contest is also to show how hard it is to perform well at a given time and place. 

Course material

There is no official course book. Previous years we have used "Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots" by Roland Siegwart et al" published by the MIT Press and some of the lectures will follow that but the lecture slides and other material should be sufficient.

Course book