Till KTH:s startsida Till KTH:s startsida


Here is a provisional list of the course's lecture titles and content. The order in which I present the material may change  as may the content. I will make the slides for each lecture available (probably just) before I give the lecture. 

Lecture 1

Title:  The Deep Learning Revolution

Topics covered: Review of the impact deep networks have had in the application fields of speech, computer vision and NLP. Review of the course's syllabus, Review of the course's assignments, project, written exam and assessment.


Lecture 2

Title:  Learning Linear Binary & Linear Multi-class Classifiers from Labelled Training Data

 (mini-batch gradient descent optimization applied to "Loss + Regularization" cost functions)

Topics covered: Binary SVM classifiers as an unconstrained optimization problem, supervised learning = minimizing loss + regularization, Gradient Descent, SGD, mini-batch optimization,  multi-class classification with one layer networks, Different loss-functions.

Slides: Lecture2.pdf, Lecture2_2by2.pdf

Suggested Reading Material: Sections 5.1.4, 5.2, 5.2.2, 5.7.2 from "Deep Learning" by Goodfellow, Bengio and Courville. Link to Chapter 5 of Deep Learning

Sections 8.1.3, 8.3.1 from the book give amore detailed description and analysis of mini-batch gradient descent and SGD than given in the lecture notes. Link to Chapter 8 of Deep Learning.

The suggested readings from chapter 5 should be familiar to those who have already taken courses in ML. Lecture 2 should be more-or-less self-contained. But the reading material should flesh out some of the concepts referred to in the lecture

Lecture 3

Title:  Back Propagation

Topics covered:  Chain rule of differentiation, Computational graph, Back propagation (More detail then you probably ever expected!)


Suggested Reading Material:

Section 6.5 from the deep learning book.

I'm going to go into very explicit detail about the back-propagation algorithm.  It was not my original intention to have such an involved description but condensing the explanation make things less clear. My hope, though, is that everybody will have a good understanding of the theory and the mechanics of the algorithm after this lecture. I go into more specific detail (but not as generic) than in the deep learning book. So my recommendation is that you read my lecture notes to get a good understanding for the concrete example(s)  I explain and then you can read the deep learning book for a broader description.  Section 6.5 also assume you know about networks with more than 1 layer! So it may be better to hold off reading it until after lecture 4 (where I will talk about n-layer networks, activation functions, etc..) 

Lecture 4

Title:  k-layer Neural Networks

Topics covered:  k-layer Neural Networks, Activation functions, Backprop for  k-layer neural networks, Vanishing gradient problem, Batch normalization, Backprop with Batch normalisation


Suggested Reading Material:

Sections 8.7.1 from the deep learning book has a more subtle description of the benefits of batch normalisation and why it works.

Lecture 5

Title:  Training & Regularization of Neural Networks

Topics covered:  The art/science of training neural networks, hyper-parameter optimisation, Variations of SGD, Regularization via DropOut, Evaluation of the models - ensembles

SlidesLecture5.pdf (to view the embedded videos you must use Adobe reader), Lecture5_2by2.pdf (does not include the videos)

Suggested Reading Material:

Sections 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.5 from the deep learning book cover variations of the SGD in detail.

Lecture 6

Title:  The Convolutional Layer in Convolutional Networks

Topics covered: Details of the convolution layer in Convolutional Networks, Gradient computations for the convolutional layers


Slides from PDCIntroductionToThePDCEnvironmentDD2424.pdf

Suggested Reading Material:

Section 9.1, 9.2 (motivates benefit of convolutional layers Vs fully connected layers), 9.10 (if you are interested in the neuro-scientific basis for ConvNets)

Lecture 7

Title:  More on Convolutional Networks

Topics covered: Common operations in ConvNets: more on the convolutional operator, Max-pooling, Review of the modern top performing deep ConvNets - AlexNet, VGGNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet


Suggested Reading Material:

Section 9.3 discusses the pooling operation

Lecture 8

Title:  Visualizing, Training \& Designing ConvNets

Topics covered:  What does a deep ConvNet learn? We review how researchers have attempted to uncover this elusive fact. Part two of the lecture will review some practicalities of training deep neural networks - data augmentation, transfer learning and stacking convolutional filters. 


Lecture 9

Title:  Networks for Sequential Data: RNNs & LSTMs

Topics covered:  RNNs, back-prop for RNNs, RNNs for synthesis problems, RNNs applied to translation problems, problem of exploding and vanishing gradients in RNN, LSTMs


Lecture 10

Title:  Generative Adversarial networks (guest lecture)

Topics covered:  The hot and very exciting area of generative learning via generative adversarial networks.


Lecture 11

Title:  Including Attention into your Network (& Semantic Segmentation)

Topics covered:  Including Attention mechanisms into your decoding RNN, Using ConvNets for semantic segmentation.


Lärare Josephine Sullivan skapade sidan 5 mars 2017

kommenterade 6 mars 2017

Will the labs be release any time soon?

kommenterade 7 mars 2017

How much freedom will there be in choosing the project? Will we be assigned a project or may we come up with one on our own?

Lärare kommenterade 8 mars 2017

Hi Nikos,

You will have a lot of freedom in choosing your project. You are free to choose whatever you want as long as it is feasible (computationally, labelled training data exists, etc...) and of course relevant. You will also have to do the project in groups of 3 so another constraint is that you have to find 2 other people who want to complete a similar project.

All the best,


kommenterade 9 mars 2017

Is the project obligatory or just for higher grade?

Lärare kommenterade 15 mars 2017

Hi Robin,

You either complete the project or take a written take home exam.

All the best,


kommenterade 19 mars 2017


Lecture 2 is listed twice :)


Lärare kommenterade 20 mars 2017

Thanks for pointing that out! Have fixed it now.

kommenterade 20 mars 2017


Have the dates for the take home exam been decided or not yet ? 


Lärare kommenterade 20 mars 2017

Have separated the Course admin information from the main lecture. The link to the Google form to inform me that you have applied for a PDC account now works (pdfpages apparently drops all PDF annotations).


kommenterade 22 mars 2017


It would be great to have some reading instructions to go along with the lectures, with corresponding chapters/pages in the course book.


Lärare kommenterade 23 mars 2017


Have fixed the errors we spotted in the lecture2 notes.


kommenterade 24 mars 2017


I have a suggestion regarding the format of the uploaded lecture slides. I think it would make many of our lives easier if you would publish them with just one slide per page instead of four. Having multiple slides on each page is inconvenient when reading on a digital device, especially if your screen is small (you need to zoom in and then move around in the 2D-grid, instead of just switching page).

In case someone prefers the current format, most PDF readers already have a built-in ability to show or print multiple pages in a grid layout, so switching to one slide per page would be more flexible for everyone.


Lärare kommenterade 24 mars 2017

Hi Anton,

I have now put up the slides in both formats!

Best regards,


Lärare kommenterade 8 april 2017


Fixed typo on slide 29 of Lecture4.pdf. You'll probably be visiting this slide to complete Assignment 2.



kommenterade 18 april 2017

Slide 21/90 lecture 4, shouldn't the h entries in the bottom left and right of the Jacobian both be hm instead of the left one being hm and the right one being hc?

Lärare kommenterade 19 april 2017

Hi Elias,

well spotted! I have fixed the typo now.



Lärare kommenterade 29 maj 2017


I have fixed errors in slides 34 and 36 of Lecture6.pdf.



Lärare Josephine Sullivan ändrade rättigheterna 9 augusti 2017

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 6 september 2017

On Question 2, is it the case that a 784 x 1 input with zero padding = 1, would result in a 786 x 1 volume after the padding is added, or a 786 x 3 volume? In other words, is the padding only added to the top and bottom of the volume, or is a border that goes all the way around the volume? 


Lärare kommenterade 6 september 2017

Hi John,

For the 1d input the padding is as you say:  one zero at each end so the vector becomes 786 x 1.

