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Januari 2014
under HT 2013 bildat13

Mårten Björkman skapade sidan 8 november 2013

Lärare Mårten Björkman ändrade rättigheterna 8 november 2013

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från bildat13 8 november 2013

Mårten Björkman redigerade 8 november 2013

General info There are three compulsory labs (Lab1, Lab2, Lab3) done in Matlab. Students can work on labs in pairs, but the final evaluation is on the individual basis for the two last labs. During the presentation of the labs, the most important evaluation criteria are the experimental results and conclusions drawn based in these. A TA may require you to reproduce the results. All questions in the lab instructions need to be answered in writing before meeting a TA. These questions serve the purpose of summarizing the results obtained during the laboratory work. The most important thing for you, however, is to actually understand the material, not just complete the labs. Ask yourself: what am I supposed to have learned?If you want to work on your own PC, you will need these files, as well as Matlab.

Lab instructions Introduction to labs PDF Lab 1: Elementary Image Operations PDF Lab 2: Filtering Operations PDF Lab 3: Edge Detection & Hough Transform PDF Times for lab examination: Hours for help sessions and examination of labs have been reserved in the CSCs programming rooms. To book time for lab examination, press here. Book your slot early! 

IMPORTANT: for Lab2 and Lab3 you need to book one slot per person and NOT per group!

Grading Lab2 and Lab3 are graded A-F. You will receive your grade directly after showing the results to a TA. The grading policy is as follows: 

* A: all questions in the lab notes have been answered correctly, presentation is flawless, extra questions from the TA have been answered correctly;
* B: all questions in the lab notes have been answered correctly, presentation is flawless;
* C: all questions in the lab notes have been answered but there are minor difficulties in presenting the results or answering questions from the lab notes;
* D: there are minor difficulties in presenting the results or answering questions from the lab notes; some questions in the lab notes have not been answered correctly;
* E: there are minor difficulties in presenting the results or answering questions from the lab notes; almost half of the questions from the lab notes have not been answered correctly;
The final lab grade is given by the average of Lab2 and Lab3 rounded downwards. Please see Examination for more details. The final deadline for the lab examination will be 4 weeks after the exam. Students that are not done by that time will need to do examination next time the course is given.

Re-examination Students that are examined once on a lab and are not satisfied with the grade, will be given one more chance to redo the examination. A student should only redo the lab if that may result in a better final grade on the course (see the grading policy on the Exam-page). If a student is doing the second examination, the extra exercises below will need to be implemented. The grading policy for these labs are:

*  A: in addition to C, answering two questions correctly;
* B: in addition to C, answering one question correctly, or presenting extra implementation details;
* C: correct implementation and thorough evaluation of the task;
If a student is doing the second examination, the following extra exercises will need to be implemented:

Lab1: Change your histogram equalization function so that it allows an extra parameter named histogramShape. This parameter represents an array of values that resemble the shape of the desired histogram. Thus, the shape of the histogram should not be uniform but change according to the desired shape. See example bellow for idea:

Assume an original image and its histogram as follows:



Assume that you wanted the histogram to look as the image on the left hand side, actually resembling the skyline of the original image:



The image on the right hand side is the original image with changed intensities according to the histogram on the left.

* Lab2: Image adaptive denoising: page 331 in the book, and a copy here .

* Lab3: Circular Hough transform
As during the first examination, there will be extra questions posed by the TAs.

Presentation requirements For the above to apply, you need to make sure that you manage to present the results in the available time (20min for Lab1 and 30min for Lab2 and Lab3). Upon failure you may be requested to complement your experiments and once again present all your results on a later occasion.

During your presentations you should be able to answer questions, general and specific, regarding the methodologies applied, as well as questions necessary for you to reproduce (parts of) the exercises. Preferably, you store all Matlab commands necessary to produce the results in Matlab-scripts.

Prior to a presentation you should write down answers to all the questions posed in the lab notes. This should also include a summary of results and conclusions drawn in a manner that is easy for the lab assistants to understand. These short summaries of each lab serves as complementary tools for later exams. Be prepared for the presentation.

Bonus points We apply a following bonus system: for labs reported on time the following bonus points are awarded (5 points in total):

No. labs in timeBonus points 1 1 2 2 3 2 These points will be added to your score on the exam and will only affect your grade on the regular exam and the first additional exam.

Supervision If you need help during the booked lab hours, you should contact the course leader or TAs on site. You can also talk to the lecturer in connection to the lectures if time allows. TAs may be contacted by email and you may talk to the course leader during visiting hours after taking contact by email. From experiences gained during the courses of previous years, we know that the need for supervision varies a lot from one person to the next. Furthermore, the work load is particular high for the TAs during the weeks with a lab deadline, while the capacity is considerably lower during the rest of the weeks. If you believe you will need substantial supervision, we strongly suggest you to start working on the labs as soon as possible. In the course program is it outlined when the necessary theoretical parts of each respective lab should have been completed.

Lärare kommenterade 8 november 2013

Now it should be fixed!

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Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från Image Analysis and Computer Vision (DD2423) 8 november 2013

Mårten Björkman redigerade 10 november 2013

General info There are three compulsory labs (Lab1, Lab2, Lab3) done in Matlab. Students can work on labs in pairs, but the final evaluation is on the individual basis for the two last labs. During the presentation of the labs, the most important evaluation criteria are the experimental results and conclusions drawn based in these. A TA may require you to reproduce the results. All questions in the lab instructions need to be answered in writing before meeting a TA. These questions serve the purpose of summarizing the results obtained during the laboratory work. The most important thing for you, however, is to actually understand the material, not just complete the labs. Ask yourself: what am I supposed to have learned?If you want to work on your own PC, you will need these files, as well as Matlab.

Lab instructions Introduction to labs PDF Lab 1: Elementary Image Operations PDF Lab 2: Filtering Operations PDF Lab 3: Edge Detection & Hough Transform PDF Times for lab examination: Hours for help sessions and examination of labs have been reserved in the CSCs programming rooms. To book time for lab examination, press here. Book your slot early! 

IMPORTANT: for Lab2 and Lab3 you need to book one slot per person and NOT per group!

Grading Lab2 and Lab3 are graded A-F. You will receive your grade directly after showing the results to a TA. The grading policy is as follows: 

* A: all questions in the lab notes have been answered correctly, presentation is flawless, extra questions from the TA have been answered correctly;
* B: all questions in the lab notes have been answered correctly, presentation is flawless;
* C: all questions in the lab notes have been answered but there are minor difficulties in presenting the results or answering questions from the lab notes;
* D: there are minor difficulties in presenting the results or answering questions from the lab notes; some questions in the lab notes have not been answered correctly;
* E: there are minor difficulties in presenting the results or answering questions from the lab notes; almost half of the questions from the lab notes have not been answered correctly;
The final lab grade is given by the average of Lab2 and Lab3 rounded downwards. Please see Examination for more details. The final deadline for the lab examination will be 4 weeks after the exam. Students that are not done by that time will need to do examination next time the course is given.

Re-examination Students that are examined once on a lab and are not satisfied with the grade, will be given one more chance to redo the examination. A student should only redo the lab if that may result in a better final grade on the course (see the grading policy on the Exam-page). If a student is doing the second examination, the extra exercises below will need to be implemented. The grading policy for these labs are:

*  A: in addition to C, answering two questions correctly;
* B: in addition to C, answering one question correctly, or presenting extra implementation details;
* C: correct implementation and thorough evaluation of the task;
If a student is doing the second examination, the following extra exercises will need to be implemented:

Lab1: Change your histogram equalization function so that it allows an extra parameter named histogramShape. This parameter represents an array of values that resemble the shape of the desired histogram. Thus, the shape of the histogram should not be uniform but change according to the desired shape. See example bellow for idea:

Assume an original image and its histogram as follows:



Assume that you wanted the histogram to look as the image on the left hand side, actually resembling the skyline of the original image:



The image on the right hand side is the original image with changed intensities according to the histogram on the left.

* Lab2: Image adaptive denoising: page 331 in the book, and a copy here .

* Lab3: Circular Hough transform
As during the first examination, there will be extra questions posed by the TAs.

Presentation requirements For the above to apply, you need to make sure that you manage to present the results in the available time (20min for Lab1 and 30min for Lab2 and Lab3). Upon failure you may be requested to complement your experiments and once again present all your results on a later occasion.

During your presentations you should be able to answer questions, general and specific, regarding the methodologies applied, as well as questions necessary for you to reproduce (parts of) the exercises. Preferably, you store all Matlab commands necessary to produce the results in Matlab-scripts.

Prior to a presentation you should write down answers to all the questions posed in the lab notes. This should also include a summary of results and conclusions drawn in a manner that is easy for the lab assistants to understand. These short summaries of each lab serves as complementary tools for later exams. Be prepared for the presentation.

Bonus points We apply a following bonus system: for labs reported on time the following bonus points are awarded (5 points in total):

No. labs in timeBonus points 1 1 2 2 3 2 These points will be added to your score on the exam and will only affect your grade on the regular exam and the first additional exam.

Supervision If you need help during the booked lab hours, you should contact the course leader or TAs on site. You can also talk to the lecturer in connection to the lectures if time allows. TAs may be contacted by email and you may talk to the course leader during visiting hours after taking contact by email. From experiences gained during the courses of previous years, we know that the need for supervision varies a lot from one person to the next. Furthermore, the work load is particular high for the TAs during the weeks with a lab deadline, while the capacity is considerably lower during the rest of the weeks. If you believe you will need substantial supervision, we strongly suggest you to start working on the labs as soon as possible. In the course program is it outlined when the necessary theoretical parts of each respective lab should have been completed.

kommenterade 12 november 2013

For Lab1, should the answers be filled per group, or should each person bring their own answers?

Lärare kommenterade 12 november 2013

It doesn't really matter for the first lab, but it's not recommended for the other labs. Also remember that you need a signature from the TA on the last page of the notes.

kommenterade 13 november 2013

For some reason the lab time booking system does not accept my social security number as valid. I enter it in the format DDMMYY-XXXX, where X is a number. Is it possible to book a time without the number?

kommenterade 13 november 2013

Thankfully, the social security number uses the only reasonable format: YYMMDD-XXXX

kommenterade 25 november 2013

Hello Mårten,

It seems like all the bookable slots have been taken for lab 2. Will there be any extra sessions or something like that?

Lärare kommenterade 25 november 2013

I added some more slots some minutes ago. Given that more students seem to be attending the seminars or even registered to the course, I underestimated the number of slots required in total.

kommenterade 25 november 2013

There are still not enough slots for all students to present lab 2 this week, will this be fixed somehow?

Lärare kommenterade 25 november 2013

Yes, it will. I've sent a message asking for a computer hall between 15 and 17 on friday, but I still haven't got that confirmed. I will also go through the bookings and remove those that have booked more than one slot. There seem to be some double bookings right now.

kommenterade 5 december 2013

Will it be possible to present labs after the 20th December if you haven't finished and passed all the labs by then?

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Lärare kommenterade 10 december 2013

Frida: Yes. Labs can always be presented in the offices of the TAs, as long as you agree on a suitable time.

kommenterade 13 december 2013

On the PDF for Lab3, pag. 9, the following line:

showgrey(printcurves(t, c, -128));

calls the function "printcurves" with 3 parameters, but this function is only defined for two parameters. Moreover, it gives information about polygons and not something to be passed to showgray:

printcurves(CURVES, VERBOSE) -- Prints information about polygons
Depending on the value of VERBOSE different amounts of information about the input polygons is printed
  VERBOSE = 0 : Only the number of polygons
            1 : The length of each polygon
            2 : The coordinates

Is it maybe another function you actually wanted to call?

Lärare kommenterade 17 december 2013

Andrea: There seems to be an error in the note. It should be pixelplotcurves not printcurves.

kommenterade 17 december 2013

And still those simple lines of exemple code won't work, I'm afraid:

Attempted to access image(113.385,126); index must be a positive integer or logical.

Error in pixelplotcurves (line 13)
          image(x, y) = value;
kommenterade 6 januari 2014

When is the deadline for presenting the labs? And how should we contact the TAs for agreeing on a time to present?

Lärare kommenterade 7 januari 2014

There is no stated final deadline for the labs. Most likely we will have an extra lab presentation day, once the exam is done. You may always contact a TA by email (see under "Teachers" on this web page) and agree on a date. Some TAs are busier than others though.

kommenterade 14 januari 2014

According to the instructions given on todays exam one needs to answer correctly at least 80% of part A. If someone get less then 80% in part A, will you add the bonus points from the lab to the Part A? Thanks.

Lärare kommenterade 15 januari 2014

If needed bonus point will first be used on Part A until you reach 12 points (80%) in total, while the remaining ones will be used for Part B.

kommenterade 15 januari 2014

Thnaks a lot.

December 2013
HT 2013 bildat13
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 17 april 2013
Schemahandläggare redigerade 15 augusti 2013

[u'TIVNM1', u'TMAIM1-PC', u'TMAIM1', u'TMETM2-BV', u'TEBSM2', u'TCSCM1-AS', u'TMETM2-TK', u'TMAIM1-IR', u'TMAIM1-BIO', u'TSCRM1']

Schemahandläggare redigerade 31 augusti 2013


Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013


Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Schemahandläggare redigerade 19 december 2013

K51, M23, M24, M37, M38, V2, VSem (V Sem)

HT 2013 bildat13
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 6 december 2013
Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 17 december 2013

Examination session¶

November 2013
HT 2013 bildat13
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 25 november 2013
Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 26 november 2013

Examination session¶

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
under HT 2013 bildat13

Mårten Björkman skapade sidan 8 november 2013

Lärare Mårten Björkman ändrade rättigheterna 8 november 2013

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från bildat13 8 november 2013

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från Image Analysis and Computer Vision (DD2423) 8 november 2013

under HT 2013 bildat13

Mårten Björkman skapade sidan 8 november 2013

Lärare Mårten Björkman ändrade rättigheterna 8 november 2013

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från bildat13 8 november 2013

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från Image Analysis and Computer Vision (DD2423) 8 november 2013

under HT 2013 bildat13

Mårten Björkman skapade sidan 8 november 2013

Lärare Mårten Björkman ändrade rättigheterna 8 november 2013

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från bildat13 8 november 2013

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från Image Analysis and Computer Vision (DD2423) 8 november 2013

under HT 2013 bildat13

Mårten Björkman skapade sidan 8 november 2013

Lärare Mårten Björkman ändrade rättigheterna 8 november 2013

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från bildat13 8 november 2013

Mårten Björkman flyttade sidan från Image Analysis and Computer Vision (DD2423) 8 november 2013

HT 2013 bildat13
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 13 mars 2013
Schemahandläggare redigerade 15 augusti 2013

[u'TIVNM1', u'TMAIM1-PC', u'TMAIM1', u'TMETM2-BV', u'TEBSM2', u'TCSCM1-AS', u'TMETM2-TK', u'TMAIM1-IR', u'TMAIM1-BIO', u'TSCRM1']

Schemahandläggare redigerade 31 augusti 2013


Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013


En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 8 november 2013

Help session¶

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013
HT 2013 bildat13
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 10 september 2013
Schemahandläggare redigerade 14 september 2013




Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 18 oktober 2013

Lecture 1: Introduction¶

Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 18 oktober 2013

Lecture 1: Introduction

kommenterade 7 november 2013

Will we have the introduction lecture for 4 hours and then we have lab after 17:00? I got a clash from 13:00 to 15:00 and I wanted to know.

Lärare kommenterade 7 november 2013

Yes, it will a 4-hour session tomorrow between 13:00 and 17:00. The lab between 17:00 and 19:00 is a so called "help session", where you can get started on the first lab with the help of TAs. This lab is supposed to be finished by the end of next week. It's an introductory lab that is not at all as heavy as the following two ones. If you cannot be there between 13:00 and 15:00, I think you'll work that out by reading the course notes. It will primarily involve an introduction to the topic and some formalities.

Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 8 november 2013

Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2: Image Formation (notes)¶

Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 8 november 2013

Lecture 1: Introduction (notes)

Lecture 2: Image Formation (notes)

Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 8 november 2013

Lecture 1: Introduction (notes)

Lecture 2: Image Formation (notes)

Lärare Mårten Björkman redigerade 8 november 2013

Lecture 1: Introduction (notes)

Lecture 2: Image Formation (notes)

Schemahandläggare ställde in händelsen 14 december 2013