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Här visas ändringar i "Compute GC content" mellan 2016-10-27 09:46 av Lars Arvestad och 2016-11-09 13:15 av Lars Arvestad.

Compute GC content

Write a program gccontent for computing GC content for a genome.

* Your program must read any number of files from the command line arguments, compute GC for file after file, and write them to standard out in order.
* All sequences (chromosomes and/or contigs) from a genome should be included in the analysis.
* You program must be structured so that:
* one function is in charge of reading a genome sequence,
* one function is computing the GC content of a sequence.

Example usage A typical session running you program must look like this:

> ./gccontent genome1 0.406 > ./gccontent genome1 genome2 genome3 0.406 0.539 0.435 > ./gccontent genome1 genome2 genome3 | sort -n 0.406 0.539 0.435435 0.539 Print using any precision you like.

To present:

* Your well-structured and commented fcode.
* Test runs on the five downloaded genomes.
* Why do people care about GC content?