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Januari 2017
under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

Lars Arvestad redigerade 17 november 2016

The labs have the following deadlines.

* 202 Nov
* 279 Nov
* 46 Dec
* 113 Dec
This gives you four lab sessions before lab 1 and then 2 sessions before the other deadlines. You are of course very welcome to hand in the labs way before a deadline too... 

An Only one  additional 2 lab sessions are  is available after the last lab deadline, suitable for o make sure to get assistance with your projects.! 

The project deadline is January 119. Note that the fall semester ends on January 186, so I give myself a week to grade the projects. However, I highly recommend to aim to hand in your project report before the christmas break.

Lärare kommenterade 17 november 2016

Please note the updated deadlines. Sorry for the confusion.

kommenterade 13 december 2016

Hi Lars! I was wondering if it's possible to have an extra lab exercise on Friday afternoon or similar, as many of the Bio-students have a mandatory class with presentations at the same time on Friday. Mainly because that will be the last opportunity to present labs/get help with the project. 

Lärare kommenterade 13 december 2016

I will look into it. I am not available at another time, unfortunately.

kommenterade 31 januari 2017

When can we expect result from the project?

Lärare kommenterade 31 januari 2017

This week. I am handling a few every day.

under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

kommenterade 6 december 2016

How many members (minimum and maximum) are expected to be in a group for the project ? 

Lärare kommenterade 8 december 2016

Groups of two are preferred, but 1 to 3 members are accepted.

kommenterade 15 december 2016

How do you want us to hand in the report and notebooks? Email?

Lärare kommenterade 16 december 2016

Yes, email is good, containing PDF or link to something readable. I do not want files in formats like Word, OpenOffice, etc. 

kommenterade 13 januari 2017

When are we going to receive an evaluation for the project report?

Lärare kommenterade 13 januari 2017

Next week.

kommenterade 26 januari 2017

Any chance  the projects be marked by tomorrow?

under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

kommenterade 20 december 2016

The links seem to be broken. Also, how many domains should be looked at and how should they be choosed?

Lärare kommenterade 4 januari 2017

Both links have now been fixed. I hope this was not a big concern!

The goal is to study all human genes to see what domains they contain and whether they cross exon boundaries or not.

December 2016

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

kommenterade 14 december 2016

Question about the definition of noisy columns:

  •  at least 50% of amino acids are unique

Does this mean that for example the column "AFFFFFFFF" would be considered noisy because there are only two kinds of amino acids and 50% are unique? Isn't that a good alignment?

kommenterade 14 december 2016

How do we use fastprot and fnj on the CSC computers?

kommenterade 15 december 2016

Edvin, I interpret the statement in the first question as "a column is noisy if at least 50% of the entries in the column are unique". In "AFFFFFF" only A is unique, as there are multiple F-entries in the column. Would that make sense?

Lärare kommenterade 15 december 2016

Nikos has the interpretation I want. I added some simple examples to help interpretation. 

Lärare kommenterade 15 december 2016

I have now added instructions for how to get access to FastPhylo programs. The solution is to run two 'module' commands that set up your path.

kommenterade 15 december 2016

Ok I understand. Thank you!

Sida Lab 2
under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

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under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

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kommenterade 13 december 2016

I am unsure of how to load the data into my database form python. In other words, I don' t know how to write this line: sqlite> .read /afs/nada.kth.se/info/appbio10/data/protdb.sqlite3 using Python.

Lärare kommenterade 13 december 2016

The 'connect' function in Python's sqlite module will work if you have created the database with something like:

sqlite my_db <  /afs/nada.kth.se/info/appbio10/data/protdb.sqlite3

Hope this helps!
kommenterade 13 december 2016


under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

kommenterade 8 december 2016

Just to make sure I get this right: we are not only interested in the presence of a signal peptide (i.e. there or not) but in the actual sequence of the signal peptides we find?

Lärare kommenterade 9 december 2016

No, it is the presence that is the main question. Once that decision is taken, retrieving the signal peptide sequence is fairly trivial task. Is it "Problem 3" that confuses you?

kommenterade 13 december 2016

Are we free to use whatever software we like, or should we use Python?

Lärare kommenterade 13 december 2016

You must use Python.

under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

kommenterade 23 november 2016

We get a 403 error when trying to access the database by importing qblast on the school computers but not on our personal. However, everything works when we copy the NCBIWWW source code into our script.

Has anyone else had the 403 error and managed to solve it?

Lärare kommenterade 25 november 2016

It might be that the installed version of BioPython is too old. NCBI may have changed the underlying protocol. Has anyone successfully managed to run this on a school computer?

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under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

kommenterade 2 december 2016

Even though I can access alignment.hit_def and alignment.hit_id, I'm having trouble finding the Hit_accession. Is it the same as alignment.accession? It does not seem so, as it is a number, while the example output from test2.xml is CYTC_MOUSE. Is the example output correct?   

Lärare kommenterade 2 december 2016

That number is also an accession, but use the definition line instead.

under HT 2016 appbio16

Lars Arvestad skapade sidan 27 oktober 2016

kommenterade 10 november 2016

To avoid others having a bad time: temporary files created by tempfile can't be opened by other programs in Windows.

kommenterade 19 november 2016

Hey, we don't understand what the "Phylip bootstrap" analysis is. What is the command line argument to run this and where can we find information about how it works?


This is linked, but which one of them is the bootstrap analysis?

kommenterade 20 november 2016

As I understand it, you should run several phylip programs in sequence. - phylip seqboot: bootstrapping your samples to generate more (say K samples) - phylip protdist: computing the corresponding K distance matrices - phylip neighbor: computing the K newick trees - phylip consense: merging K trees into one. Now exactly how to do all these steps from within Python I do not know yet.

kommenterade 20 november 2016

The seqboot documentation has useful information on performing bootstrap analyses using phylip. Unfortunately the entire process is rather painful, but quite doable.

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