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Version skapad av Lars Arvestad 2015-11-10 11:40

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Unix introduction

Introduction to Unix

Solve these assignments in a terminal window, and perhaps using a browser.
  1. Change your password with kpasswd, if you have not done so already.
  2. Create a directory structure for this lab in your home directory using mkdir and cd. There should be a directory for the course, and within it a directory for each lab.
  3. Use the man command to figure out...
    1. ... what the command "ls -l" does.
    2. ... how you delete a directory and its contents with rm.
  4. Find out, perhaps using man, what the following commands are for.
    1. cat
    2. more or less
    3. head
    4. tail
    5. wc
    6. grep
    7. sort
    8. uniq
    9. cut

To present:
  • You should be able to show and explain what you have done to the teacher.