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The project is a computational assignment which can be focused either on systematic data analysis or a larger programming assignment. Some project suggestions are listed below but you are very welcome to suggest your own project.

The project will be described in a brief report. You might have to discuss your project in a meeting with a teacher which will be scheduled group by group.

A good way of sharing the files (see Requirements and project proposals) with Lars is to use a site like sourceforge.net, GitHub, or code.google.comBitKeeper.

Please read the Course Centerpiece again to prepare for this project!

Requirements In your project, please keep these requirements in mind

* Keep individual lab notebooks (see Stafford Noble) in which you record your project activities. These will be handed in together with the report. These notebooks will show me how you have worked.
* Make sure to implement controls in order to establish that your results are correct. Describe these controls in your report.
* Your project report should be organized like a paper to PLoS Computational Biology and include Abstract, Introduction, Results and Discussion, and Methods and Materials.
* You must discuss how you implemented the Stafford Noble ideas. I want to know what parts of his paper that you adapted and which ones you ignored, with justifications for you decisions.
Preparations Words and terminology in the projects may be new to you: look them up! In this course, you "learn by doing".

Project list See the separate page.