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Laboratory work

Laboratory work in algokomp15

Each lab assignment consists of a set of theory excercises and a programming assignment. If they are done in time they will give give one bonus credit each to the written exam. Thus you can get up to 4 bonus credits.

Lab 1

Lab 2

Johan Karlander skapade sidan 14 januari 2015

Lärare Johan Karlander ändrade rättigheterna 29 januari 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 30 januari 2015

The link to the folder where the java program is suppose to be cannot be accessed: 403 Forbidden:
You don't have permission to access /~karlan/AoK/Labb1/ on this server.


Also, the course in Kattis isn't properly created yet. The latest course there is algokomp14 which is the course for last year. Not sure if that matters though. Lab 1 (rättstavning) is still there.

Lärare kommenterade 30 januari 2015

I think the first problem is taken care of now. I'm working on the second one.

kommenterade 2 februari 2015


Snabb fråga: Är det ett absolut krav att ens slutprodukt är i java eller får man skriva i andra språk?

Lärare kommenterade 3 februari 2015

Det går bra att använda Python om det är vad du vill.

kommenterade 3 februari 2015

Insåg just att jag arbetar fredag den 13:e. Jag ser inte om det går  att redovisa teorifrågorna tidigare. Går detta att ordna?

Lärare kommenterade 5 februari 2015

Det går nog att ordna. Du kan tala med Mladen om saken.

kommenterade 8 februari 2015

"If you report the lab by February 20, you get a bonus point on the exam. On the lab session on February 13, you have the opportunity to present your solutions to the theory problems below the solution to theoretical information below. A correct solution of these gives a bonus point on the exam. A late report gives no bonus. "
Does this mean that you can get two bonus points per lab? or is it a typo?



Lärare kommenterade 9 februari 2015

Yes, you can get two bonus points per lab.

kommenterade 13 april 2015

Lab 2 theory date should be 16th?

Lärare kommenterade 13 april 2015

Yes, that is correct!

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 21 april 2015

Is there any way to see the test cases for lab 2 on Kattis?

kommenterade 21 april 2015

Or is there a way to see error logs? It says in the Kattis help pages that you can write to stderr for debugging but I don't see any place to inspect stderr output..

kommenterade 21 april 2015

Kattis ignores stderr, but you cannot see it.

kommenterade 21 april 2015

Okay, thanks. I was wonder because I'm stuck on a test case where I reduced a yes instance to a no instance and it's pretty hard to understand where my logic is going wrong without any more information about the test case. 

kommenterade 21 april 2015

That's Kattis:) try asking an assistant för some hint.