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Version skapad av Johan Karlander 2014-01-22 17:08

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The examination has four parts.

  • There are two home assignements (Mästarprov). They consist of 4 problems. They will be graded F-A. Basically, two problems c orrectly solved give you an E. They will be handed out during the course. You should hand in a written report and then do a short oral exam (15 min).
  • There are two laboratory works.
  • The course ends with a written exam.

Last year's exam

Three of the parts are graded: Mas 1, Mas 2 and Exam. The final course grade will be the mean value of these grades where E count s as 1 and A counts as 5. In the first written phase the grade on the exam will be E, D or C. If you get grade C on the exam or i f you pass the exam and has got at least C on both Mas 1 and Mas 2 you can do a complementary exam and raise the grade on the exam to B or A. On the complementary exam you can also raise the grade on Mas 1 and Mas 2. The form of the exam is like this: You get 1, 2 or 3 problems to solve depending on whether you want a higher grade on Mas 1, Mas 2 or the exam. You get one hour to think about the problems. Then you will present the solutions to the examiner.

Preliminary schedule for Mästarprov

Mästarprov 1 will be published 19/2 and shall be handed in 5/3

Mästarprov 2 will be published 5/4 and shall be handed in 19/4


Mästarprov 1

Mästarprov 2

Extra Mästarprov

For those who have failed to complete Mas 1 or Mas 2 there will be an extra set of problems handed out on May 13th, to be returned on May 27th. But you can only get grade E by doing them.


Exam for higher grade

Here are three times for the extra exam:

Wednesday May 22 13-16

Thursday May 23 15-18

Friday May 24 13-16

It takes place in room 1527.

If you are interested in doing this, you should mail me and suggest a suitable day.If there are too many students preferring the same time slot I will contact you and try to arrange some other time. Mail me at latest 17.00 May 21. If none of the times suites you, we could possibly find some other occasion, but I prefer that you chose one of the suggested times.

In order to do the exam you have to have C on the ordinary exam or at least C on both Mas 1 and Mas 2. You can raise your grade on the exam, Mas 1 and Mas 2. You will get 1,2 or 3 problems to work on for one hour. After that you will be orally examined on your solutions.

Extra Mas

Mas 1

Mas 2