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Version skapad av Hedvig Kjellström 2016-04-13 08:51

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Seminar and industry field trip schedule

Period 1

Seminar Monday 21 September 10:15-12:00 in K1

Josephine Sullivan and Hedvig Kjellström introduce themselves and give an overview of the course goals.

Year 1 students present themselves.

Q&A session (led by a PhD student) where year 1 students can ask questions and get tips from year 2 students.

Info about final degree projects for year 2 students. We will give an overview of companies with which we have collaborated on degree projects, and also present the opportunities at different departments at CSC. This is not mandatory for year 1 students, but you are very welcome to stay!


First-year students, prepare a 1 minute presentation about yourself.

In the case of absence:

Students who are unable to attend should, by the latest 20 September: 1) Contact Hedvig Kjellström and explain the reason for their absence, 2) Send Hedvig a written presentation and a photo of themselves.

Period 2


Ethics (more details and reading instructions to come)


Write a 2 page essay

Read and comment on each others' essays

In the case of absence:

In addition to the regular preparation, write another 2 page essay where you reflect upon the other group members' essays.

Period 3

Industry field trips

This activity will in the future be organized so that the second year students arrange the field trips for the first year students. Since there are no second year students in the course yet, we will cancel this activity during the year 15/16.

Everyone get a pass in the Rapp system by default.

Period 4


Diversity and Equality (more details and reading instructions to come)


Write a 2 page essay

Read and comment on each others' essays

In the case of absence:

In addition to the regular preparation, write another 2 page essay where you reflect upon the other group members' essays.