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Seminar and industry field trip schedule

Period 1 Year 1: Getting to know each other,Seminar Monday 21 September 10:15-12:00 in K1¶

Josephine Sullivan and Hedvig Kjellström introduce themselves and give an overview of the course goals.¶

Year 1 students present themselves.¶

Q&A session (led by a PhD student) where year 1 students can ask questions and get
tips from olderyear 2 students.

Year 2: Searching for Master projects¶ Preparation:¶Info about final degree projects for year 2 students. We will give an overview of companies with which we have collaborated on degree projects, and also present the opportunities at different departments at CSC. This is not mandatory for year 1 students, but you are very welcome to stay!¶


First-year students, prepare a
1 minute presentation about yourself.

Period 2 Seminar¶

Ethics (more details and reading instructions to come)


Write a 2 page essay

Read and comment on each others' essays

Period 3 Industry field trips


Period 4 Seminar


Write a 2 page essay

Read and comment on each others' essays